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Emily's POV

It was 6am. I woke up and Calum was sleeping right next to me with him just in his underwear. I was quite worried because I woke up next to Calum and not Luke, I usually wake up next to Luke. I shook my head and got out of bed.

As I put my feet on the floor, it didn't really feel like the floor. I looked and seen Luke was on the floor just in his underwear too. What happened last night? I must of got too pissed. I stood over him and picked him up and lay him next to Calum.

I got up quietly and got ready to pick up Kayla. I gave my nan a call because I knew she would be up this early as she is every single day. I told her I was coming for Kayla a little early as I woken up far too early on a weekend.

I got changed into Luke's smiley face t-shirt and some black leggings underneath. I shoved my hair up in a bun and didn't bother with make-up. I kissed Luke on the head and walked out of the bedroom quietly. 

I didn't even bother waking up Ashton to come with me like he said he would because I didn't want to bother him and Chloe. I grabbed my keys and closed the front door. I drove to my nans and stopped at Starbucks on the way to get myself and my Nan a cappuccino each.

After 10 minutes, I arrived outside my Nan's and parked in the drive. I locked my car and walked into my Nans.


"Thank you" My nan smiled grabbing her cappuccino off my hands. "How was Kayla last night?" I asked sipping my drink as it was still too hot for me. "She has been really good actually. DIdn't wake up at all during the night!" I was shocked. She always wakes up for me.

"That's good then!" I stayed with my nan and Kayla for about an hour and got a call from Luke wondering where I was. I told him where I was and I told him I'm on my way back now. "Right, me and Kayla best be on our way home now, thanks so much for looking after her nan." I smiled picking Kayla up and putting her in her pram.

"Anytime lovely!" I headed over to my car and picked Kayla up again putting her in the car seat. I folded up the pram and put it in the boot of the car. "Time to go home and see your handsome daddy!" I drove home with Kayla laughing all the way.

I parked in the drive because Michael has obviously gone out somewhere with Milly probably. "We're home princess!" I smiled at her and she smiled back at me, like her daddy. I picked the pram up from the boot and put it back together and I put Kayla in the pram.

I locked the car and got in the house quickly because it was freezing at 7 in the morning. I looked around and obviously nobody was up. I sighd and sat there bored. "I know what we can do, we can play with your toys and play in your house!" I said grabbing my Kayla's hands, playing with them.

I got some of her toys out and played with them with her. We played puzzles, jigsaws, played in her little kitchen teaching her how to cook and watched her favourite programme, 64 Zoo Lane. "My two favourite girls in the whole wide world." Luke whispered.

I looked behind the couch and seen him smiling down at us. He bent down and kissed me. "I love you" He grinned playing with the ends of my hair twirling it. 

"I love you more" I grinned back at his beautiful face. He sat down next to me and Kayla and helt my hand.

"I'm gonna get my nose pierced today, what do you think?" I asked looking at him curiously. "I think that's a great idea, you'll still look beautiful." I blushed at him, cheeky mere.

Lukes POV

Time flew by and it was already 2 o'clock. Me and Emily were about to leave to get her nose pierced and Calum shotgunned to look after Kayla...

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