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I think it was time we told the girls. "Guys, should we tell the girls?" I asked them. They nodded and we headed back in the main room. "Guys? Sit down." Luke told the girls. They sat down and listened to us. "I know you might seem shocked, but we thought it would be the right time to tell you, we are going on tour for 4 months, so we're not going to be here and we have to drop out of college." I gulped. Their eyes were all teared up. "Well I'm dropping out of college to." Emily moaned. "So are we." Lilly and Chloe shouted. We all smiled and hugged them. I called Chloe over to me and I hugged her. "We will all miss you guys so so much, we will have to Skype every day." Chloe smiled. I nodded and crashed my lips on hers. "When do you go?" Chloe asked hugging into me. "In a month. I don't want to leave you." I started to tear up. We all decided to go and order some pizza and chill.


I really didn't want the boys to go. It would be so different without them being around for 4 months. I talked to Luke and cried. "I really don't want you to go Luke, I love you so much." I cried into his arms. "Don't cry now baby girl, we're not going for another month." He picked me up and we went to our bedroom. "I love you with all my heart baby girl, when we are on tour, I will always think about you, love you and miss you, I will not talk to girls and flirt because you are all that matters to me. Just you." Luke smiled biting his lip. I couldn't stop crying and I don't know why. "You're making me cry even more." I whinned wipimg my eyes. I stood up and walked out of our dorms and ran to the car. Luke came outside and tried to look for me. I tried to hide but I couldn't. My make up running down my face, looking at Luke. I let him in and he hugged me. "What's wrong Emily?" Luke started to wipe his own eyes. "I'm pregnant. With your child." I punched the car wheel and covered my eyes with my hands. "Your what?" Luke stopped crying and grabbed my hands. "IM PREGNANT OKAY? IF YOU DONT WANT THIS BABY I WILL ABORT IT!!" I shouted,  throwing the car keys at him jumping out of the car. I slammed the door and walked to my nans. I knocked on the door and my nan answered. "Hello Emily! How come you're here? What's up?" She pulled me in and hugged me handing me a tissue. "Luke and the boys are going on tour for 4 months and I really don't want them to go, also, I'm pregnant." My nans mouth dropped and she hugged me. "You're pregnant? Congratulations Emily! And I understand how it all feels." I gave her a confused look and let her speak. "When I was pregnant with your mum, your grandad went on tour for 4 months also, I told him I was pregnant a month before he went,  leaving me by myself for 4 months, then I have birth to her 5 months later." I stopped crying and told her something else. "Also, I am dropping out of college." Her mouth dropped again and she gave me a tissue as I was about to cry. "Emily  its up to you anyway, do whatever is best for you." I nodded and made my way back home. "Thankyou for visiting me, give me a text if you need anything." I kissed her and walked home. When I got home, I knocked on the door and Ashton answered. "Where have you been, and what's up?" He pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead. "Get everybody to listen." I smiled. Everyone was on the couch and I spoke. "If you have wondered where I have been, I was at my nans, crying because I told her you guys were going on tour and that I'm pregnant." They all squealed and hugged me. I laughed and crept up to Luke. " Sorry for having a go at you before, I love you Luke." He smiled and pulled me close to him. "I love you more."

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