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Emily's POV

"LUKE!!" I shouted his name about 10 times now, "Alright im coming now!" This baby was so much stress. I feel like after this baby, everything has been going downhill. The baby is now 7 months old and the boys have just came back from touring all around Europe.

The baby has been ill while they have been gone, making me ill and sometimes i just regret having the baby. I mean, i love her with all my heart and i would never leave her but thats just the way babies are i guess.

Ashton came over before Luke and took the baby out of my hands. "Thanks" I whisper. Kayla leant forward and threw up on my chest. I went to scream but i kept it in and fake smiled.

Luke came to me and went to hug me. I pushed away and pointed at the sick on my shirt. He backed away and stayed in the kitchen. I took my top off and threw it in the washing machine. "I'm starting to feel like you're not helping me with the baby."

i sighed grabbing another shirt. "I am helping you with the baby, i'm just really busy at the moment."  I stopped and stared at him with an evil stare. "Are you serious? Whenever i look at you, you're either on your phone or not even in the house, you have gone out clubbing. The godfathers are more caring to Kayla than her own father!" I rage, trying to put a spoonful of dry power baby milk in the bottle.

"And if you want to still see your daughter, you need to prove to me that you can be a caring father INSTEAD OF BEING ON YOUR PHONE AND LEAVING ME TO DO EVERYTHING OTHERWISE THIS RELATIONSHIP IS DONE AND OVER WITH!" I cry dropping the baby bottle on the floor, with the powder all over the floor.

I couldn't stop shaking and i sat down on the chair with my hands covering my eyes, crying. "Please don't cry," I looked up to him and he grabbed my hands.

"Look, im sorry if you feel like im not looking after the baby, but you need to understand im getting really busy with the band and songwriting. I promise you, starting today, i will be looking after Kayla and you and helping out as much as i can, i love you." He wiped my eyes and kissed my head. 

"So is that a deal?" I whispered wiping my eyes. "Deal baby." 

Ashton's POV

I decided to go and see my cousin Melanie as i haven't seen her since we have came back from tour, even since Emily had the baby, so about 9 months. She has been rejecting all my calls and texts so i thought it was about time i found out why.

I was pushing the pram around and i turned into Melanie's drive. I knocked on the door and a girl with half pink, half purple hair opened the door. "Who are you?" She slagged me off. I was so shocked. My own cousin said 'Who are you'  TO MY FACE.

"Are you serious? It's me Ashton, have you gone blind or something?" I giggled giving her a hug, she pushed away and I tumbled on the patio stairs. "I know who you are dumbass." I stood up back on my feet and looked at her in disgust.

"Why are you being like this to me now? What happened to you?!" I say looking at her up and down. "You were the one who left me for 9 months, not even paying 1 visit at all!" Okay. "For starters, Emily had her baby, two, I called and texted you and you didn't even bother to reply and thirdly, me and the boys have been on tour for 7 months, you think I had the time to pay a visit?" I breathed out loudly

"So when you were on tour, you didn't even bother to call me or text me?" My jaw dropped and i looked at Kayla. "Like I just said, I DID RING AND TEXT YOU BUT YOU REJECTED ME! IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT!" I spat. She came walking over to the pram and gave little Kayla the most dirtiest look ever. 

"How ugly is she? She looks like a drowned rat, like her mother." She laughed. I looked up to her and I felt the need to punch her but I can't. "That's my god-daughter you're talking about." I pushed her shoulder slightly making her tumble over like I did before.

She just laughed and shoved me on to the wall. "Get your ugly fat 'god-daughter' and yourself out of my house or," She grab hold of the pram and I cut her off. "Or what hmm?" She stood there completely silent. "Thought so, I'll find my own way out if that's alright." I pushed the pram out and slammed the door purposely.

I walked home crying thinking about what my own cousin said to my face about me and my god-daughter. What a cow. I got in and seen Luke and Emily cuddled up on the couch watching Hollyoaks on catch-up.

I accidently sniffled really loud and Luke instantly turned around and saw me wiping my eyes. "Ash what's up mate?" He asked jumping off the couch and patting my back. "My uptight cousin, Melanie." He looked into my eyes and wiped my eyes with his thumb.

"Have you just gone gay for a minute or something Luke?" Emily looks at us, confused. "No, I'm helping my friend out here." She laughed and then came over and pushed Luke outta the way, hugging me. I chuckle quietly looking at Luke who was cradling on the floor.

"What did she say?" Emily asked pushing the hair out of my face, brushing it with her hands. "Well..um, she said Kayla looked like a drowned rat like you and called me and Kayla ugly and fat."I sobbed on to her shoulder, letting it all out, I couldn't keep the tears back, not after what happened.

She pulled away and walked over to Kayla pushing the door open. I wipe my eyes again. "Where are you going?" I ask calmly making sure she doesn't flip on me like she usually does. "Going to that evil witch, she shouldn't be saying things like that Ashton, especially about my two favourite people in the world. I'm gonna teach her a lesson, the Emily way."

Luke coughed awkwardly, "Aren't I your favourite person in the world anymore?" He frowned joking round. She sighed and walked out of the house, leaving me and Luke to run after her. I guess Emily was right.

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