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Calum walked in and his eyes were staring directly at Jess' stomach. "I didn't see this." Calum ran out and I ran after him. I jumped on his back pushing him to the ground and pinning his wrists to the floor. Yeah, so I was on top of him.

But we weren't doing anything 'special' like me and Luke would. "Don't tell anyone, especially Michael, she is keeping it a secret until after the tour,so its a surprise. Just promise me Calum." I didn't get off of him until he promised. Promise, just get off of me, this is very wrong of us." I giggled and got off him helping him up also.

I pulled him to the kitchen and told him to tell Jes exactly what I told him just a couple of minutes ago. He told her everything and I smiled at them, jess wiped her tears away and hugged him. She zipped up her hoodie as she could hear Michael coming in. "Morning baby." He smiled grabbing a banana.

I smiled at his words he said to Jess. They are so cute together. I decided to go and get a shower. I knocked on the door as somebody was in there. "How long are you going to be? I need a shower." I moaned waiting for whoever was in there to hurry. They unlocked the door and pulled me in by my wrist. I screamed and fell in.

"What are you, Ash? Are you okay?!" I stood up and hugged him, watching the tear roll down his right cheek. "What's happened Ash?" I started to get tears in my eyes watching him this hurt.

"Chloe, she, she dumped me because she said, said I was useless and, and ugly and the worst boyfriend she has ever had!" He shouted running into my shoulder crying, sobbing on Luke's shirt I borrowed last night.

I went speechless, why would she do that to him, why would she even hurt him like that? I wrapped my arms around him and cradled him like a baby. "Ignore her, you're worth more than her, all the screaming girls will want you when you are on tour!" I smiled trying to cheer him up but it wouldn't work. "I don't want them, I want, doesn't matter." I looked up to him and he went red. "I understand you want Chloe but you have your tou.-" Ashton cut me off and cried.

"I don't want Chloe, I, I want you. I like you Emily, a lot." I let go of him and stood up. I stared at him and I felt really bad on him. "You what?" I repeated. I backed up as he moved closer to me, tripping up on a towel which had blood over it. "What is this?" I picked up the towel and looked at it. Ashton rubbed his arm, making it obvious what it was. "You haven't done it over me, have you?" I started to cry myself, just thinking what has actually happened.

"Promise you won't tell anyone? Please Emily." I nodded and made my promise. He pulled up his sleeve and I saw his damaged skin. I ran my finger across the red, swollen scars and I stopped crying. "Why? Why over me Ashton? I'm not worth your tears anymore." I pulled his sleeve down and hugged him. "I just know you will never love me back like you love Luke. Luke is your everything. You're pregnant with his child and I don't know what's wrong with me today. I'm sorry."

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