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Me and Calum went on the balcony and ate our barbecue food. "This is delicious!" Calum shouted with a mouth full of meat. "I didn't know Luke was a good chef!" I laughed. Luke swallowed his food and spoke. "I got my cooking skills from my grandad." Calum lifted his eyebrows up and started to chew. "My mum is the best at chocolate milk!"  Calum said drinking his beer. I looked over to Emily and she went quiet. She put her plate down and walked in. "Calum!" I whispered. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He told me. I sighed and walked in and followed Emily. "Emily? Where are you?" I walked into her bedroom and she was lying in her bed crying. I lay next to her and hugged her. "Babe, are you okay? Calum didn't mean it like that, he forgot about what happened about your mum, I promise." She turned to me and wiped her tears away. "It has been 12 years today since she has passed away and I have tried to ignore it because I wanted to make Luke smile and not worry about me. But Calum talking about his mum, really hurts me. I know he didn't mean it that way." She started to cry even more. I rubbed her back and hugged her as hard as I could. "I'm going to apologize to Calum." I nodded and started to cry myself. "Why are you crying?" Emily sniffed. "Watching you cry, really hurts to look at you like this." She cried and we hugged. We went out and opened the balcony door. Calum turned aroumd straight away. He stood up and pulled his arms out. She ran into his arms and cried. "It's okay Em, I'm sorry." She nodded and pulled away. She sat on Luke's knees and hugged him. He kissed her head and wrapped his arms around her. I sat on Calums knees and hugged him also. "Sorry everyone, just thinking about my mum really hurts, I miss her loads." Emily wiped her smudged makeup off of her eyes. "I miss my dad. A heck of a lot." Luke said looking away. I guess Emily and Luke were having an emotional moment. "We will leave you guys out here, to talk, thanks for tea you guys, it was tasty, if you need us, we will be in the bedroom, you know." Cal winked. Luke and Emily laughed and I hit Calum playfully. "Rude boy!" I laughed.

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