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A month went by and it was the day before the boys went on tour for the first time. I had woken up with Luke wrapped around me, making me feel cute on a Sunday morning. I had to get up but I felt bad to leave him. I remembered that the boys had to go tomorrow and leave us for 4 months. I have told Luke I was pregnant, Jess needs to tell Michael but I'm not sure whether she is telling him before or after the tour. Most possibly after, knowing her. she always leaves everything until last minute, which can be annoying. But I guess I can trust her with this one. I managed to get up without waking Luke, good call Emily. I got dressed and went into the bathroom. I turned to the side and seen a bump was starting to appear. I smiled and helt my stomach. I decided that today I was going to drop out of college seeming as the boys had baught us all a house ready after they have finished touring. This is also one of the reasons why I love them all, they treat us all so nicely. I went into the front room and seen Jess drinking orange juice. "Morning girly!" I smiled. She frowned and put her juice down. "Hi Emily." I sighed and sat next to her. "Whats wrong?" I asked her. "I don't want the boys to go, the baby is too much stress and it is so hard to hide it from Michael." She puffed out to me with a tear rolling down her left cheek. "Michael is going tomorrow, which is good but bad. Don't worry, you have me!" She lightened up and nodded. "Let me see the bump," I asked her making sure nobody was around. She lifted her big hoodie up and her bump was already massive. "Put your hand here quick!" I smiled and placed my hand near the bottom of her stomach, feeling a kick against my palm. "Oh my god!!" I squealed really lousy making Jess laugh. "Be quiet or someone will-" She was cut off with Calum walking in.

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