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So I have lost Emily. And my bestfriends Calum and Lilly. I'm such a prick. Emily will never want me back again, I kept it a secret. If I didn't open my big mouth everything will be okay at the moment. I walked home and thought about all the memories that me and Emily have had for the past week. It's been great. Crying together, getting drunk together, meeting in Starbucks. So much has happened in a week. I tried to call her but it went straight to voicemail. I knew she was rejecting me on purpose. I decided to run the rest of the way back so I can speak to her. I got to the dorms and knocked on to the door. Lilly answered. "What do you want?" My mouth dropped. "I still live here you know! And I am here to speak to Emily, where is she?" She rolled her eyes and pointed at the bathroom door. "I'm glad you have came, she has been scaring me, she has been screaming and crying, I don't know what she is doing, she's saying go away when nobody is there. Can you check on her quickly?" I nodded "By the way, I am sorry and Calum is on his way back, can we all start over?" She gave me a smile and nodded. We hugged and I knocked on the bathroom door. "Emily?" There was no answer. The door was locked also. How the hell am I suppose to get in here? I found a screw driver and I took the lock off. The bathroom was dark and I seen Emily was in the bath and the water was red. "EMILY! WHAT THE FRICK ARE YOU DOING?!" She turned her head to me. "I'm naked, why are you here?" She whispered but shouted the last part of the sentence. "Here to see you, here, let me get you out." I picked her naked body up and wrapped her up. "Lilly? Can you come in quickly please and bring the first aid kit in!" I shouted. "Emily, why did you do this? You have broken my heart." I said kissing her head. She pushed me off and shouted. "WELL YOU HAVE BROKEN MY HEART TOO." She started to cry. "Sorry, it isn't just that. It's the voices and flashbacks." I nodded at her. "Anything else Em?" She cried even more and watched her salty tear run in her cuts. "I'm not perfect for you, I'm an ugly, worthless cow. You deserve the girls that fancy you when you are on tour. They are much prettier than me, I'm just worried that I will lose you again." She cried and cried. "Don't be daft! You are all that matters to me, YOU! You ARE pretty, you ARE perfect, and I will never leave you, the first day I saw you, I could already see a future between you and me. I love you forever and always baby! Don't ever think I won't!" I hugged her and kissed her. "I love you too Luke." Lilly finally came in and started crying. "OH MY GOD EMILY! WHAT'S HAPPENED?" She sighed and cuddled into my arms. "Don't worry Lilly, everything is okay now, just pass me a bandage and wipes and give Calum a call, he would appreciate that a lot. He loves you." I told her making her stop crying. "Okay, love you both with all my heart, and I mean it." She gave us a smile and walked off. I wiped Emily's arm and she gave me a hissing noise. "Sorry, it's done now anyway." I say kissing it better.  I wrapped the bandage over her arm and cuddled her. "Thankyou Luke, I love you." I poked her cheek and smiled. "I love you too."

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