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I woke up at 6:30 and turned around and saw Emily fast asleep. I gave her a kiss and jumped out of bed. I went for a quick shower before college. I didn't want to smell horrible on my first day back. After my shower, I got changed into my Green Day top and my ripped skinny jeans. I slipped my Vans on and woke Emily up. She went for a shower also. I went into Calum's and Lilly's room and woke them up also. I felt like the parent of the dorm. I checked my wallet and saw I had £100 in there. Well enough for a Starbucks. "Guys, hurry up! I don't want to be late for our first day!" I moaned.Me and Cal were ready for college and we picked up our folders and bags. "Girls hurry up!" Calum shouted. "I'm nearly done!" Emily shouted. "I'm having a wee!" Lilly also shouted. Typical. All Lilly does is moan saying she need's a wee. The girls were finally ready and we left our room. We headed to Starbucks and ordered a drink. We sat down and had a chat for a bit.  After our drink in Starbucks, we headed to our college. When we got there, it was massive. We walked in and walked straight to Literature and sat down. Emily sat next to me and Lilly sat next to Calum not far from us. That lesson lasted about 1 hour long and we went to get another Starbucks. We definately needed one after that exam! Next was Mathematics. I could already see that Emily was struggling with her exams. I cannot wait until this day was over. Lilly was already finished and I was on the 23rd page out of 43 pages. I guess she has ate too many smarties. I looked over to her and she put her pen down and let out a little sigh. Half an hour went by and we had all finished. I looked at the clock and it was 11:55. We had 5 minutes to go. "Okay class, you can talk for 5 minutes." I turned to Emily and she smiled. "I love you." I winked. "I love you too, that test was so hard. How can Lilly finish so early? Smart arse." I laughed at her. "Well nooo, so, what do you want to do when we get back?" I asked. "Hmh, I think we should all go to that field, you know, where it's quiet." She smiled and picked up her bag. "Good idea babe." The bell went and Me and Emily went towards Lilly and Calum. "Hey guys, should we go and get something to eat?" Lilly asked. "Great!" Emily quoted. "Lets go then!" We got into Lilly's car and drove to a café. It was called 'The Shamrock' It was pretty awesome. We all got a cheese steak except from Emily. She hates cheese. So she got a chicken salad. "This is heaven!" Calum muttered with a mouthful of steak. "How can you guys eat cheese? I like pizza but cheese like that? Knocks me sick. A nice chicken salad is delicious." We all laughed at her and carried on eating. I went to give Emily a kiss but she pushed away. "Keep those cheesy lips away from me until you have brushed your teeth and used some mouthwash!" Emily mumbled. "Okay princess, I love you!" She gave me a sarcastic smile. "Love you too."

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