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I have had such a great day today, well apart from that horrifying man this morning, yuck. Luke had taken me out to the shopping centre and got me what I wanted. He even got me Our Moment&That Moment perfume. I have always wanted that One Direction perfume. Once we got in, seeing Lilly and Calum made me smile even more. They are so adorable! Me and Luke got into our new penguin onesies and snuggled up in bed. "What film should we watch Mrs Penguin?" I laughed at his sarcastic joke. "Can we watch a DVD that my nan had made, it's all of the memories I had spent with my mum." He sat up and pulled me out of bed. "Come here." He pulled me closer to him and crashed his lips onto mine. "I know how it feels, my dad had died also in Year 2. It's so hard." I looked up to him and started to cry. "I just miss her so much." I cried my whole heart out to him and he had tears in his eyes. "Let's get the DVD out then." I said wiping my eyes. I put the DVD in the player and pressed play. I sniffed and walked to the bed. It came up with the day my mum had given birth to me. I remember her holding me. All the memories came rushing back into my head. I really miss my mum. There was a part of the DVD where we were on holiday in Majorca 2001. The year she had cancer. She was sunbathing and she had her bandana on so she can cover her head. She had sat up and put sunscreen on me. I heard my Nan telling me to say I love you Mummy. Watching her hug me and kiss my head. All the memories. Running back to me. All of a sudden, I fell out of bed. I laughed but cried the same time. "Emily? Are you okay?" I sat up and laughed. "Yeah, can we wath something else? Because I can't stop crying." He nodded and helped me up. "Are you sure you are okay? We can go to sleep now if you want?" I shook my head in disagreement. We ended up watching This Is Us. That lightened up my mood. There was a knock on the door. "Hey man!" Luke talked. "Hey, Emily, can I speak to you a sec?" I looked over to Luke and gave him a shrug. "Okay, how long is this gonna take? I'm watching 1D with my bird." Luke laughed and ate some ice-cream.

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