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I was in the car with Ashton and Chloe. Their relationship was perfect. I couldn't stop crying in the back. "Cal, everything is going to be alright, I promise. I bet she will ring you and ask you to come back. Once we get back to your dorm, she will be fine." I looked at my phone and Lilly was calling me. "Good timing Ash!" I laughed and wiped my tears away. "Hello? Lilly what's wrong? It's Emily?! What's happened? Alright, we are already on our way back. Love you too." She told me she loved me. "Speed it up quickly Ash, like hurry!" He nodded and put his foot down. We got there less than 5 minutes and I jumped out of the car. "Thanks Ashton, bye Chloe!" I ran into the dorms and knocked on the door. Lilly answered it and I pushed her to the wall and gave her a kiss. "Whoa Cal, slow down." Lilly mumbled. I smiled through our kiss and licked her nose. "I have missed you, where's Emily? Is she okay?" She walked me to the bathroom and she was sat on Luke's knee crying. "What's happened?" Luke shown me her arm and I gasped. "What the heck Emily!!" I shouted at her. She grabbed her head and squoze it. "Go away, I hate everything about you!!" She started to cry. "Sorry, I will leave then." I walked away. Luke grabbed my shoulder. "She's not talking to you man, she has voices in her head that js telling her to cut." I sighed and hugged Luke. "Sorry for having a go at you before Luke, I went a bit over the top." He laughed and place his hand on my shoulder. "No worries, it was my fault anyway." We walked to the girls and I sat with Lilly on my lap. "I love you Lilly." She faced me and kissed me. "I love you more." I looked over to Luke and he had a glass of water and was helping Emily. She seriously wasn't her real self tonight. She was in the corner of the bathroom with blood all over the floor, she looked really tired, sick, and couldn't stop shaking. She has lost weight in the past week also. I really hope she is okay.

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