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Luke decided to take me shopping to cheer me up. He is so cute. We got into the car and locked our seatbelts. "We need to go to the bank and get some money out." I told him smiling. "Okay, anything for you!" He winked and turned the corner. We got to the bank and we stood at the machines. We got a lot of money out and walked into the shop. "What's with all of the money? I thought I was paying?" Luke exclaimed. "This money is for my mum, I'm gonna get flowers and things like that." I didn't really want to tell him but I guess he already knew. "Come here, are you okay?" He pulled me in for a hug. "Yeah, I guess so, I will explain later." He nodded and helt my hand. As we were in Primark, he told me to get whatever I wanted. So, I got a basket and put what I wanted in the basket. We got to the till and it all came to £134. I made a loud gasp causing all of the customers to look. "Luke! You can't pay that much for me!" He looked to the me and smirked. "Oh can't I?" He looked at the till man and gave him the money. Luke smiled and gave me a kiss. We walked out and I smacked him. "What the bloody hell was that? I feel really bad now Luke!" He chuckled and pulled me in for a hug. "Don't feel bad, you deserve it." I was so confused. "What do you mean?" I gave him a confused look. "Lilly told me about your childhood, it's cool." I gave him a slight smile and looked at the bag. "Can we go to the flower shop?" I begged him. "Yes babe." We headed to the flower shop and I got a massive bunch of flowers for my mother. "Let's pay." We got to the till and paid. "Anything else you want?" Luke looked at me. "I am a little thirsty, can we go to..-" He cut me off and shouted; "STARBUCKS! YES, LET'S GO GO GO!" He yanked my hand and we went flying through the door. "Let me pay Luke, I feel bad. What do you want?" He smiled at me and asked for a cappuccino. I got the same. I got to the front of the queue and ordered our drinks. They gave us a Caramel Shortcake in return for free. Amazing. I headed to the table and we ate the shortcake. We picked up our drinks and finished our last bite of the shortcake. "That's delicious!" Luke shouted. "Nooo, can we go to Asda and get things for tonight?" I asked. "Yeah, let's head there." We got to Asda and I went to the toilet. After I went to the toilet, I seen Luke with a basket full of DVD'S, Munchies, Facemasks and Magazines and little bits and bobs. "I'm paying Luke!" I whispered and pinched him. "Oh no you're not!" I gave him an evil look. "Watch me Luke, and even try me." We scanned our shopping and it came to the payment. I grabbed my £20 and shoved it in the machine. "You can pay the change if you really want." I laughed. "Okay!" Once we paid, we picked up the bags and headed home. When we got back to the dorms, we walked in and seen Calum had his arms wrapped around Lilly's waist. "Wit woo!" I shouted. They both went red and me and Luke were in stitches. We unpacked and got ready for our date.

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