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Yo sorry for like, deleting the last one. It was because there were so many chapters and there was a lot of trash writing in there and a lot of things about me and I'm sure it was annoying.
Ummm angst to kick it off?

From across the room, Keith could see Lance flirting with Shiro. Music booming through the house, Keith chugged down the alcohol in his cup and got a new one. He chugged that down too, eventually counting up to 6 drinks.
He watches Lance cling to Shiro, Lance's lips curved up into a smile as Shiro speaks.
Allura pads over to Keith, a small frown on her face.
"Hello." she smiles, it was fake.
"Hey." Keith doesn't even try to smile.
"You enjoying the party?" she asks, hands in her belt loops pulling her pants up. They were a bit to big, faded blue loose around her hips, rolled up at the bottom.
"Not particularly, sorry."
"No, that's understandable." she says bitterly, chewing on the inside of her cheek, she glances at Shiro then back at Keith.
"Looks like we're both fucked." Keith chuckles.
"I suppose." Allura sighs.
Keith grabs another drink, gulping it down.
"You're going to kill yourself drinking so much."
"I don't drink that much." he mutters.
"Keith." she sighs, eyebrows knitting together.
"Allura, I dont. Really." he defends himself.
"Come on, let's dance. It's better than standing around sulking into cheap beer." she smiles, holds her hand out for Keith.
He throws away the solo cup and takes her hand.
Allura grins and pulls Keith out into the middle of the crowd, dancing to the music, people bumping into them.
She giggles and dances wildly. You'd think for someone that threw parties almost every week, she'd know how to dance.
Keith danced awkwardly, movements unsure, anxious.
"Lighten up Keithy." she shouts over the music and dances against him.
He rolls his eyes and tries to dance with her.
He looks at Lance at the wrong time.
Lance was pressed close against Shiro, lips pressed together, hands trailing Shiro's body.
He shoves Allura away from him and storms outside, fishing his cigarettes and lighter from his jacket pocket.
He leans stomps down the porch and to the side of the brick house, lights his cigarette and takes a drag.
Keith breathes out the smoke shakily and slams a fist against the wall, over and over until he hears a crack. His knuckles bleeding.
He puts the cigarette out on his broken, bloodied, and swollen knuckles, then heads back inside.
Fist shaking, he grabs another cup of some random alcohol, chugs that down. Repeat.
Repeats until Lance comes up behind him.
"Hey I'm leaving with Shiro." he yells over the music.
"Good for you." Keith mutters bitterly, teeth clenched, hand clenched into a fist crushing the cup.
"What happened to your hand?" Lance takes it into his hand.
"Nothing. Go get some fucking dick, seems like the only thing you do correctly." Keith growls, shoves Lance away and storms out of Allura's house again.
This time he gets on his bike, glancing at the house before driving off. Tears in his eyes.
Vision blurry.
He speeds home, stomps up the stairs of the apartment building, helmet in his hands. Once he gets in his shared apartment with Lance he throws it at the wall.
A sizable hole now in it.
He screams and sobs, slams his broken hand into the wall, blood staining the wall, drying over on his fist. He hits again and again.
He stumbles to the bathroom and wraps his fist in ace bandages.
Keith eventually ventures into his room and passes out. Not waking up until the next night.
He ventures into the living room, head and hand aching.
He finds a note on the counter.
"Hey, uhm, Shiro offered me to live with him.
I'm sorry.
We're still cool right? I'll still come over and play games with you. Talk with you.
You're my buddy.
We make a good team."
Keith tears the note up, head hurting worse, he races to Lance's room.
It was empty.
The only traces of Lance were the drawings painted onto the walls.
The carving of the day he moved in.
His and Lance's name carved into the doorway.
He screams and collapses to the floor, a hand clutching the carpet.
Head pounds harder.
You knew he was going to leave.
He wouldn't love someone like you.
He won't come back.
He hates you.

"SHUT UP!" Keith shouts, sobbing and gasping for air.
Lungs burning, head pounding, heart aching.
"Lance." he croaks out.
He looks up, a paper pinned to the wall. He stands up, stumbling to it.
"Make sure you eat, take care of yourself, take your meds, don't die on me. I need my best friend. What would I do with out you?
Don't forget about me."
He could hear Lance's voice, the chuckle.
Goodbye Lance.
He thinks to himself.
How could he live without Lance?
His hands shake, he stumbles into the bathroom, grabs a bottle of pills and a cup of water, stumbles back into Lance's room.
He takes the paper, flips it over and writes a note of his own.
"I don't know who will find this. Or if it will ever be found.
But, this is to Lance. I hope he finds it first.
I've loved you since I first laid eyes on you at the college.
Since you moved into this dingy apartment with me.
Even though you'd bring home women and men, I still loved you.
My heart aches.
Im so sorry.
But how can I live without you?
You left me.
And when you did, you took the only hope at life I had left.
To Allura.
Thank you for trying to distract me from Lance at the party.
You're a good friend.
Keep living, don't turn out like me.
Turns out the alcohol isn't what killed me.
Pills are.
I love you, Lance, Hunk, Pidge, and Shiro."
His hands shake, vision going spotty.
"Goodnight, love." he whispers to himself, a small chuckle. The last thing his mother said to him before she put him to bed and left.
His body goes limp.

Welp that was fun to write :')

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