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Keith had been practicing witchcraft for a number of years alongside of his mentor and her girlfriend. Allura and Romelle, both wonderful and successful witches. Their familiars were sweet.

Allura's being a ginger cat named Coran, Romelle's, a brown border collie named Bandor. Romelle and Bandor were like siblings in a way.

Keith was waiting for the day he got his familiar. However he was extremely impatient.

"Allura, am I ever going to get a familiar?" Keith groans.

"You will, just be patient. They have to find you, they'll seek out your aura." Allura sighs.

"Its been forever though, shouldn't they have found me by now?"

Allura rolls her eyes, sighing again.

"Patience." she mumbles.

"Yeah yeah." Keith huffs.

"There you are! Allura, there's a customer looking for you!" Romelle gasps, hands clasped over her chest.

"Oh dear. Tell him I'll be there in a moment." Allura sighs for the third time, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I swear I cannot catch a break." she mumbles as she stands up, smoothing down her dress. She fixes her posture and walks with authority towards the front of the store.

Keith sits with his arms over his chest. Going over his spells in his mind. Allura was sure to test him although he was doing fine with them.

He screams and nearly crawls out of his skin when a small head rubs against his leg.

"Keith?!" Romelle shouts, rushing into the back room.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" Keith shouts, legs shooting up into the chair.

Romelle laughs when she sees a cat where Keith's feet were planted. A Russian blue.

"Well hi!" she coos, bending down. She scoops the cat into her arms and scratches at it's head.

Keith's cheeks redden when he spots the cat in Romelle's arms.

"Did he scare you?" Romelle tilts her head, still talking to the cat.

"More like that thing scared me." Keith grumbles.

"I suppose we should see if this cutie belongs to anyone around the neighborhood." at that the cat jumps out of Romelle's arms and prances over to Keith.

It hops up onto the chair and rubs against Keith's shoulder.

"I think it likes you." Romelle smiles.

And suddenly the cat isn't on Keith's shoulder anymore, and it isn't a cat.

Keith reels back, shrieking.

"I have a name." the male crosses his arms.

"Oh dear! Allura, get in here!" Romelle grins, hands clasped over her heart.

"The names Lance~" he purrs when Allura enters the room.

Allura grimaces, wrapping an arm around Romelle's waist. Tugging her into her side.

"So, you're my master, eh?" Lance says, spinning on his heel to face Keith.

"I- uh- uh- yes?" Keith asks, a tug on his heart.

"I was really hopin' for a pretty lady like one of those girls over there, but I suppose you'll do." Lance sighs, arms crossed over his chest.

"So- does he like- move in?" Keith asks Allura.

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