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Cries bc I was working on a new chapter for this and lost all my progress. So instead of some steamy porn here's some angst bc I'm confused about my gender and its stressing me out and making me upset.

Lance looked at himself in the mirror. All of his flaws popping out at him. Chewed and chapped lip, dark circles under his eyes, shoulders not broad enough, hips too wide.

He sighs and slips into his sweater, oversized and warm. Hiding his curves.

He shimmies into his boxers and a pair of pants. He didn't have a binder yet. He had to buy those boxers in secret. Wash them when nobody was home.

He messes up his hair that he had shaved a few week prior. It didn't go over well with his family.

Somewhat content with how he looks, he heads out of the bathroom and back to his room. After putting socks and shoes on he tells his snake bye and heads downstairs with his backpack.

"Lana, if you ever shave your hair off again so help me." His mother glares.

"Sorry mamá." he mutters.

That name was so stupid.

He slings his backpack over one shoulder and bounds out of the house.


School was boring. Long, boring, and completely unnecessary.
All day long he had to deal with being called Lana and she/her.

He just wanted to go home, curl up in bed, and talk to his online friends. At least they called him Lance and his preferred pronouns.


When he got home he was met with a harsh slap from his mother.

"Ow! Shit!"


"Watch your language, its not ladylike. And what are these?" his mother glares, holding up a pair of blue boxers.

"You have sons y'know." Lance mutters.

"I found them in your room." she sighs, crossing her arms.

"Well, they're boxers. I thought that was obvious."

"Yes, but why do you have them?"

"Because I wanted them. They're comfortable. I'm sure you used to wear dads when you two were in high school. Can I go to my room now?" Lance sighs, snatching the boxers from his mothers grasp before padding up the stairs into his bedroom.

He closes his door and locks it, not wanting anyone to bother him. He kicks his shoes off and shimmies out of his jeans.

He slips into a pair of sweats and heads over to his snakes cage. He opens it up and smiles.

"Hi blue, your shed go well?" he whispers, picking the shed up from the floor of the terrarium.

Looking at it, he finds it whole and smiles.

"Good girl." he sets it aside and waits for her to slither up the side of the glass.

"You wanna talk to my friends with me?" he tilts his head and reaches out his arm letting her wrap around it.

Klance OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now