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Touch starved Keith, frottage

Keith hasnt been touched since- well, since he was younger. Now being in space he was never touched outside of group hugs and being carried to healing pods.

He and Lance were only a month into dating and they didn't touch very often. Light brush of the hands or thighs and that was it. Each touch of Lance's skin had Keith on fire, leaving him wanting more.

The two were in Lance's room having a little movie night and Keith couldnt take it anymore. He presses his head to Lance's side and curls up right next to him.

"Keith?" Lance asks, shock apparent in his voice.

"Jus' wanna be held." Keith mutters.

"I-I can do that." Lance says dumbly, pulling Keith close.

He's basically on top of Lance at this point, his thighs straddling Lance's hips and his chest pressed to the broad one under him.

Keith lets out an audible sigh and sinks into him. Nuzzling against Lance's chest.

"Can I- can I play with your hair?" Lance asks.

Keith cant help the want in his voice, the weakness.


Lance immediately thrusts his fingers into the black locks, blunt nails scratching at his scalp.

Keith groans and pushes into the touch. Lance hums, the vibration buzzing into Keith's chest.

He'd never admit to this, to anyone.

"Feel good?"

"Mhmm." Keith hums out, his hands trapped under the wide expanse of Lance's shoulders.

Lance works the knots out of Keith's hair, brushing through it with deft fingers. And the pads of Keith's fingers knead into Lance's shoulders like a cat pressing onto someone's thigh.

"S'good." Keith moans, pushing his face closer to Lance's neck. He inhales his scent and groans, pressing a small kiss to the warm skin.

He could feel Lance's heartbeat flutter at the pulse point.

"Y-yeah?" Lance stutters, pressing his fingers so they massage into Keith's scalp.

"Yeah." Keith whispers, breath hot and wet against Lance's skin.

The soft kisses go on for a moment before Keith begins to rock his hips.

"This okay?" Keith asks, his voice so incredibly soft.

"Yes." Lance grunts.

"Good." Keith breathes, rolling his hips down.

He could feel Lance's hardness through their layers of clothing. Even through them he could tell Lance was big.

Keith licks at Lance's neck, nipping lightly. In turn he gets soft moans and whispers of his name.

"Y'so good Lance." Keith slurs.

Lance whines, digging his feet into the cot. He thrusts up when Keith rolls his hips down.

"Keith..." Lance moans, hands wandering and landing on Keith's ass. He uses this to his advantage and pulls Keith down against him as he rolls his hips up.

"Hohmygod-" Keith groans, continuing to meet Lance's thrusts.

"Yeah? You like it?" Lance grunts, taking a moment to pulls Keith into a sloppy kiss before returning his hands to his ass.

"Mmh- love it." Keith pants, nipping Lance's neck.

"More." Lance mutters, leaning his head to the side so the full expanse of his neck shows.

Keith licks and bites Lance's neck. Leaving marks up and down it.

Lance cums when Keith bites down particularly hard, his hips stuttering as the pleasure washes over him.

"Fuck- fuck! You're so hot." Keith growls, smashing his lips to Lance's as he works Lance into overstimulation and himself to orgasm.

All Lance can do is sit there and buck his hips up, his thighs shaking from the sensation.

"Gunna cum again?" Keith purrs, voice rough with lust.

"Mhn!" Lance whines, eyes rolling back as he cums again, completely ruining his boxers.

Keith groans as he spills into his pants, he slumps against Lance and they sit there in the glow of their orgasms.

"Let's clean up." Lance mumbles tiredly.

Keith grunts and shakes his head, not caring that his boxers feel gross.

"At least take your pants off and let me clean you up then."

Keith rolls his eyes and lazily undresses his bottom half.

Lance gets himself out from under Keith and does the same before grabbing some tissues. He wipes himself and then Keith up before getting two pairs of boxers. Slipping one on Keith and the other on himself.

They cuddle and fall asleep, feeling closer than ever.

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