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Keith was taking his and Lance's breakup horribly. He hadn't stopped crying, each morning he woke up got increasingly harder. Each night before bed he'd cry until he fell asleep, pillow soaked with the salty tears.

Everything hurt so badly, he just wanted it to stop. He wanted it to subside even if just for a minute. Hell, he'd do anything to get it to stop for forever.

"Hey Keith, its Shiro....again. Call me when you get this, please."

Another missed call from Shiro. Theyve piled up, his answering machine nearly full.

His sadness morphing into anger. He'd ball up his fists and punch at the wall. Knuckles swollen and red. He then falls back into a depression.

His room a mess just like the rest of his house. He eats too much and then throws it all back up. He takes a blade and runs it over his wrists and thighs.

Everything was too loud. His mind just wouldnt shut up.

Questions ran rampant within his brain.

Does he miss me? Does he think of me and what we had? Does he miss the way my lips felt against his? Does he miss my scent? Does he miss my voice?

Keith would never ask though. He didnt have the guts or the balls. He would just sit there wondering instead.

So he listens to the questions, he listens to the thoughts. His mind turning to inky black goo.

All he could think of was Lance and it was killing him. He wanted to die.

He was going to end it. It'd solve it all.

No more worrying Shiro. No more thinking of Lance. No more incessant buzzing within his mind.

No more pain.

He could finally be at peace.

He's gonna do it.

So he writes notes.

Dear Takashi
I'm sorry for this. I just cant live with this pain anymore, it's all too much really. You wont have to fret over me anymore though so thats good. You have Adam, make sure you take good care of Kosmo for me. Be happy and have the marriage of your dreams and the family you want. I love you so much and I'm so thankful for everything you've done for me.

Dear Lance
Dont think any of this is your fault because it's not. Not one bit of this. My brain just wont shut up and it's all too much. You understand, right? Like you really care anyways. Just know you're the last thing on my mind before I go to bed. And the first when I wake up. I wish things wouldve been different with us. We could've been more. Oh well. Nothing can happen now. Thank you for being with me for months and dealing with me. Thank you for giving me your love and affection. I will forever love you darling.

Keith takes a bottle of pills with alcohol. His vision blurring and hands shaking. He smiles up at the ceiling of his bedroom, glow stars burning bright.

He wished he could have one last kiss from Lance. men last goodbye.

Oh well.

It was all over anyways so what did it matter?

And then he slips away.

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