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Uhhh all weekend I watched stupid ass Ouija board shits from Sam and Colby and their friends so I got the idea of writing some Ouija shit >:3

Lance had bought the board for shits and giggles. He invited Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, and Allura over to his and Keith's.
"So remind me why we're here?" Pidge quirks an eyebrow.
Lance grins.
"I'm glad you asked my friend!" He chuckles and grabs a Ouija board from under the couch.
"Nope!" Hunk screeches.
"You think we could talk to mothman?" Keith asks, he sounded so fucking genuine and hopeful.
"Keith, baby, I don't think we can." Lance says sadly

They wait til midnight to begin.
Lance grabs a bunch of candles from the kitchen drawer, sets them around the board and lights them.
"Yo I wanna put my blood on it." Lance laughs.
"Lance." Shiro warns.
"Get off his back Takashit." Keith laughs and kisses Lance's cheek before speaking back up.
"Do what you want baby." he whispers and pats Lance's back.
"That was the gayest thing I've witnessed." Pidge laughs.

Everyone puts two fingers on the planchet. Lance tries not to laugh, which proves to be harder said than done.
"Okay. Okay. Uhhh are there any spirits here that wanna talk to us? Maybe some demons? Possess my lovely boyfriend and use him as a sex slave?"
"Lance!" Allura cackles.
"You can use me as a sex slave." Keith winks.
The planchet slowly moves to yes.
"Whomstdve the fuck moved it?" Hunk cries.
"Not me." everyone mutters.
"Oh fuck." Lance laughs.

"Hey could we get a name demon boi?" Keith grins.
The planchet slowly moves across the board.
"I FUCKING TOLD YOU OH MY GOD!" Keith screams, tears running down his face.
It keeps moving.
"Fuck you bitch." Keith hisses.
Shiro uses his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.

"How many spirits are here?" Pidge asks, eyes glinting. She tries to move it to 6, but it flies over to 1.
"Okay who the fuck-" she shouts.
"Do you uhh have bad intentions?" Hunk asks nervously.

The planchet shoots to yes.
Hunk screams.
"Do you wanna harm any of us?" Keith asks experimentally.
The planchet pulls back then back over yes.
"Who do you wanna harm?" Pidge grins.

"Oh nice lmao. Hey demon, fucking smite me." Keith laughs.
"Please don't smite my boyfriend." Lance sobs.
"Please demon." Keith begs.
"Smh you'll beg for a demon but not for- OW!"
Keith hits Lance with his free hand.

"Y'alls are some nasty." Shiro frowns.
"Takashi don't act like you don't call me daddy sometimes." Allura says nonchalantly.
"Oh my god- my innocent ears can't take this!" Hunk sobs.

"Guys shhh we've got a big ol scary mothman boi on our hands."
"Hey demon, what's your real name. Everyone here, but Keith, knows Mothman doesn't exist."

The planchet flies to the Z.
"Oh my god!" Lance screams.
"YES!" Keith shouts, laughing up a storm.
"Hey uhhhh we'd like to say goodbye. So, goodbye." Lance manages to calm down.
The planchet moves across goodbye.

"Why'd you guys freak out?" Allura tilts her head.
"Zozo is what it was going to spell and Zozo is the demon of the board. You don't fuck with that shit." Lance mutters.

"WELP PARTIES OVER BYE!" Keith shoves everyone towards the door.

Keith and Lance cuddle under the blankets, Netflix blaring, lights on.
It was an understatement to say Lance was scared. He was fucking terrified.
"You're fine baby." Keith whispers, kissing at Lance's neck, playing with his hair.
"Hhhhh." Lance whines.
"Shh." Keith laughs, his breath huffing against Lance's neck.
"God I hate you." Lance says softly.
"I think its the opposite." Keith chuckles, his voice just as soft.
"Stooooppppp." Lance pouts.
"Stop what?"
"Being cute- no- hot."
"That's gay."
"You're gay."

Sorry this was sucky and probably really delayed.
I won't be updating until I get caught up with Spanish and Biology bc I wasn't at school for 2 days.
So I have to do the 2 class days I missed work and tomorrows work.

So that's fun.

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