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P,,porn like always.
I'm sorry.
I'm so horrible.

Lance, Keith, Shiro, Allura, Pidge, and Hunk were at a party. Well of course Allura was there, it was her diplomatic party after all. She was sat on Shiro's lap, the two of them laughing away.

It was really unprofessional but they were drunk. Laughing and talking with the king of the planet they had been on.

Lance looks at the scene, sipping at the drink in his red solo cup. Pouting slightly, why had he and Keith never sat like that? He turns to Keith, solo cup clutched in his hand.

"Why don't we do things like that?" he gestures to the couple with his cup.

"Do you want to do things like that?" Keith asks.

"Well duh." Lance huffs.

Keith rolls his eyes, panic set in his chest. This was risky, he was extremely touch starved. He and Lance never really had time to do anything. Ever.

Not with him being away with the Blades. Not with Voltron being needed 24/7. Not with all the shit happening in the universe.

So he sucks it up and tugs Lance onto his lap. Chugging the drink in his cup. It reminded him a bit of fireball. Coughing slightly, he relaxes and watches the inhabitants of the planet wander around the castle.

He tries to ignore the shift every time Lance talks. His hands waving wildly. The shuffle of Lance readjusting the position, thighs warm against his own.

Lance chokes on his drink when he feels Keith's cock pressed against his ass, hard.

"Are you alright blue paladin?" one of the aliens Lance had been speaking to asks.

"F-fine. Could- could you give me and Keith a minute?" Lance smiles

"Oh, yes of course." the alien smiled, shuffling away to go speak to someone else.

Lance looks back at Keith who's cheeks are flushed.

"Are you- are you seriously hard right now?"

"You wanted this." Keith hisses, shifting.

Lance stifles a laugh, shifting as well. Keith gasps, knee shooting up. Lance topples to the side and onto the couch, Keith immediately adjusting to hide the bulge in his suit.

"Maybe we should head to a more secluded area? Hm?" Lance teases, his cheeks were flushed from slight intoxication.

"Fine." Keith growls and stands up, tugging Lance up from the couch.

He ushers Lance from the lounge and through the sea of multicolored species. The stumble into the medical bay and Keith slams Lance against the wall.

"Don't go galra on me now, Keithy~" Lance purrs.

"That was once!" Keith huffs, grounding his knee into Lance's crotch.

"You look so good in the Blade suit." Lance chuckles.

"Shut it." Keith grumbles, pressing his lips against Lance's neck.

Kissing at first, he then bites Lance's neck.

"Did- did you just bite me?" Lance gapes, pushing Keith back.

"Y-yes? Was that not- Should I not have done that?"

"No no- its fine." Lance mumbles.

Keith's cheeks flush, he shoves his face back into Lance's neck and bites. Turning Galra so he can drag his canines down Lance's neck.

Lance groans and leans his head to the side. Revealing more of the smooth skin. He digs his fingers into Keith's hair and tugs at the base.

Keith pulls away, grabbing the backs of Lance's thighs. Whites of his eyes yellow and fangs sticking out from his mouth.

"Didn't I tell you not to go Galra on me?~" Lance coos, a smirk on his face.

Keith rolls his eyes and helps Lance out of the pieces of armor, leaving him in his skin tight suit.

"That's better." Keith chuckles, hands returning to the back of Lance's thighs. He hauls him up, Lance's legs wrapping around Keith's waist.

"I swear to everything if you don't abandon all common sense and fuck me against the counter I will blue ball you for months."

"Why don't you be a patient kitty and let me take my time~"

Lance shudders at the tone of Keith's voice and rocks his hips. His cock was painfully hard in the skin tight suit.

"Keith c'mon we both hate teasing, get me out of this suit, bend me over that counter and fuck me." Lance growls.

Keith chuckles and drops Lance down.

"If that's what you want princess." he nearly tears open the under armor suit, tossing it to the side.

Keith slips from his Blade suit, removing his mask module from his temple. He shoves Lance against the counter in the middle of the infirmary. He takes two fingers into his mouth, coating them with saliva before making quick work of prepping Lance.

As soon as Keith has his cock inside Lance, Lance is moaning wanton like a pornstar.

"Shh kitty you don't want the party to know you're getting fucked so hard you'll feel it into next week. You dont want them to know how much of a slut their beloved loverboy paladin is underneath that innocent act you put on."

Lance whines, fingers grabbing the counter, unable to hold on.

"God you take my cock so nicely." Keith growls. His breath coming out in little puffs. Hips ramming against Lance. Fingers dug into his hips.

Lance moans and whimpers, shoving his face into his arm. Biting his lip, trying to not let his moans slip past his lips.

"Keith~! Harder! Please- nng~!"

Lance slips his hand down, wrapping it around his cock. Stroking himself in time with Keith's thrusts.

"You gonna cum? Hmm? Little kitty gonna cum for me?"

"Yes! Gonna cum for daddy!" Lance moans, loud. Nearly shouting.

"Good boy. Cum for daddy." Keith purrs in Lance's ear.

That sends Lance over the edge, spilling onto his hand. Keith groans, burying his head in Lance's shoulder as he cums.

"Shit." Lance pants.

"Mhm." Keith mumbles.

After cleaning up the two collapse into a cot in the infirmary. Curling up together underneath the scratchy blanket.
Passing out as soon as they get comfortable.

I'm thinking about making a witch Keith and a familiar lance au. I wanna write a one shot first then actually develop it into a story but idk.

I've missed so much school already hahaha God. My stomach and back hurt so much. I'm gonna try to sleep since its 12 am. Hope you guys enjoyed this filth.

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