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Heres like a drabble of that prince Keith n peasant Lance I was thinking abt writing.

"I'm just going out to the market, Takashi." Keith sighs, adjusting the stupid 'V' shaped crown across his forehead.

"But you should take-"

"I'm not taking Matt and Pidge
They've got their own things to do than attend to me."

"What if you just have-"

"I'm not having a servant to things for me. I'm perfectly capable." Keith sighs again, deeper this time.

"Fine...Be safe." Shiro mutters.

Keith smiles, straightening up his shirt before he bounds down the stairs and out of the doors of the castle. That smile stays on his face until he's on the streets, keeping a stoic face on for the people. When he spots a certain mop of curly brunette hair he smiles to himself.

"Lance," Keith calls.

"Ah-shit.." Lance laughs, turning around just as he was about to swipe something.

"Hey... Glad I could catch you." Keith smiles.

"Glad you could catch me too. Now, where we going, Prince." Lance chuckles, slinging an arm around Keith.

"Hands off peasant." Keith glares, feeling bad for having to call Lance that.

"Ooh you know that gets me off~ Mm lets see if I can find you something." Lance chuckles, moving his arm off of Keith.


"Ah! Here we are." Lance smirks, swiping a bottle off of a merchants table.

"What did you-"

Lance grins as he shoves it into Keith's hands. Keith shrieks, shoving it back. His face flushed red.

"Aw~ Keithy~ You don't want a bit of lube to help remove that stick from your ass." Lance teases.

"Shut up," Keith mutters, turning into a dimly lit alleyway.

"Oh hoh~ Public indecency, me likey." Lance pushed Keith against the rough brick.

"Who said we were gonna be indecent."

"Uh-the alleyway. You only do this when you want-mmph-"

Keith presses his lips to Lance's softly before he shoves him against the wall behind the brunette.

"When I wanna do what." Keith chuckles.

"That..." Lance breathes.

"Me? A prince? Making out with someone in a dank alley? I would never. I have so much more class than that." Keith whispers low, pressing his lips against Lance's again. Harsher.

Lance lets Keith take control, panting when he pulls away again.

"And no less with a lowly peasant who steals for his own pleasure," Keith says hotly, Lance shudders.

"Who'd think the prince would ever talk so nasty to townsfolk? To think our ruler is such a kinky bitch." Lance chuckles, grabbing Keith's jaw roughly.

"Yeah, who'da thunk it."

"And he uses such lowly language. Nearly that of an uneducated grown man."

"Who woulda thought I'd be here with you. Loud mouth slut." Keith tears away from the hold Lance has on him.

"Aw~ You really think that 'bout me. Oh baby~ I only got eyes for you."

"I gotta find something to take home with me or Shiro will think something is happening. Help me look?" Keith asks, looking before they walk out of the alleyway.

"Mm sure, kitty."

"Don't call me that." Keith scoffs.

"Sorry I can't resist, you just look like a cat. And act like one."

"Whatever." Keith huffs, rolling his eyes.

"Also, you should keep your money safer." Lance chuckles, dangling a bag from his fingertips.

"Ugh. Lance, give it back."

"For a handy later."

"I'll just...let you...top," Keith mutters quietly.

"Oh? You sure~"

"Yes, god. Give me my money back." Keith sighs.

"Good thing I grabbed that bottle then."

"Go off and find something you want, I'll buy-"

"Nope~ Let me work my magic." Lance grins, walking away.

Keith sighs, now to find something for tonight. Lance already had lube, so he just needed an outfit. Lance always enjoyed when Keith would dress up.

His face flushes bright when he finds something he likes. Quickly buying it, he shoves it into his satchel.


"P-pidge?" Keith chokes out.

"Shiro told me to-"

"Of course he did." Keith sighs.

"Hey babe I found-oh-" Lance places a hand on Keith's shoulder, swallowing hard upon seeing the crest upon Pidge's chest.

"Babe?" Pidge cocks their head.

"I-I-I- please don't tell Shiro." Keith's cheeks are hot and he can feel tears pricking at his eyes.

"Why would I do that? I'm not here to ruin your life, Keith. You have a boyfriend, so what. I'm just here to watch over you."

Both Lance and Keith visibly relax.

"Are those condoms?" Pidge laughs.

Lance's face flushes and he hides the box.

"No why would- why would we have condoms." Lance splutters

"Alright...well I'll let you get back to your date. If you want, I'll tell Takashi that Lotor found you and you two went out for lunch?"

"That'd be great, Pidge. Thank you." Keith smiles.

"No problem. Good luck." They chuckle, walking back towards the castle.

"So that means-"

"We can go to your house." Keith grins.

Lance smiles, leading the way.

"It's not much, its used to be my sisters, she's letting me hide out I guess," Lance mutters.

"I don't care if it's not much, it'll be perfect since I'm with you." Keith smiles.

"Fuck...there you go making my heart pound," Lance mutters.

"Good, glad I still have that ability." Keith smiles.

Lance opens the front door, letting Keith go in first. 

"Still kinda wish we'd of done it in the alley. Woulda been hot to have to cover your mouth and listen to the desperate pants."

"Shut up, Lance. I gotta use the bathroom, give me a moment." Keith mutters, slipping to the bathroom and locking the door after him. He sighs as he undresses from his clothes, slipping the deep navy, lace bodysuit on.

"You almost done?" Lance whines.

"Yeah, I'm done." Keith laughs, opening the door. He leans against the frame sensually. His dark hair framing his face.

"Fuck. Did you buy that when I left?"

Keith nods, stepping towards Lance. His long, smooth legs carrying him eloquently across the carpeted floor.

"You're so beautiful, I'm not just fucking you tonight. I wanna show you how much I love you."

Keith's face heats up, it does everytime Lance says those words.

"I love you too." He whispers.

so gonna end this here. this is jsut a draft, maybe something that can happen with this story. excuse the typos, im sleep deprived and still sad. anywho merry chrismas or whatever

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