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Logically Lance knew he was born with the body he was born in, but that didn't mean he couldn't hate it. That didn't mean he couldn't despise everything that made that body feel like it wasn't his. It didn't mean any of these things. It just meant he was forced to live with those things.

He hated the skin wrapped around his frame. Hated the nails embedded in his fingers. The long brunette locks that cascaded down his back. The soft lips upon his face. The slim body and pudge on his chest.

His second year of middle school he came out to his family as trans. He got moved to homeschool until he went through T. As soon as Highschool started up his mom and dad shoved him to the Garrison where he eventually went to space.

His binder was disgusting. He couldn't keep wearing the sweat covered cloth. It smelled horrible. So, he washes it. Suffering silently through out the day.

He slips into his shirt and jacket. Terrified the whole day. He shuffles from his room and to the lounge.

"You okay Lance?" Shiro asks.

"Yeah." Lance mumbles, collapsing on the couch. Wincing at the heavy feeling on his chest.

"You sure?" Pidge raises an eyebrow.

"I'm fine." Lance sighs.

Hunk sends a knowing look Lance's way. Lance squints at Hunk and huffs.

"So, we have any missions today?" Lance mutters.

"Afraid not." Allura sighs.

"Where's mullet?"

"Where else would he be?" Shiro snorts.

"Training deck." Lance sighs, getting up. He heads to the training deck and enters.

"Hey babe."

"Hey yourself." Keith laughs.

"End training sequence." Lance calls out.

"Rude, I wasn't done."

"Well now you are because you're gonna make me feel better."

"Dysphoria?" Keith smiles softly.

"Yeah." Lance mumbles.

"Well, let me take a shower because I'm probably smelly. Then I can get Hunk to make some of that cookie dough shit he makes and we can go to my room and cuddle?"

"You smell fine." Lance huffs burying his head in the crook of Keith's neck. Inhaling the scent of sweat and the faint smell of sandalwood and cinnamon.

"You sure?"


"Okay, lets ask Hunk if he'll get us some cookie dough." Keith smiles.

"I'll do it, go get your room ready." Lance smiles, pressing a kiss to Keith's cheek before heading to the lounge.

Hunk quickly whips up some cookie dough and hugs Lance, telling him it's gonna get better.

"I know, man." Lance laughs.

"I'm here if you need me." Hunk smiles.

"I know, I'm gonna go lay down."

"We all know you and Keith are a thing, Lance."

"I- Pfft- no? What?"

"Okay, whatever man."

Lance huffs and heads to Keith's room, slipping in.

"Hey." Lance's cheeks flush when he sees Keith changing.

Klance OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz