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Uhhhh *slides fluff on a platter*
Eat up skanks

"Keeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiitttttttthhhhhhh" Lance calls from the living room, blankets and pillows piled around him like a little nest.
"I'm making your popcorn calm down." Keith sighs, he grabs the bag from the microwave and pours an unholy amount of sugar and salt. He then grabs a box of cocoa puffs from the cabinet and makes his way into the living room.
"Thanks babe." Lance smiles, he opens up the blanket fort type thing and lets Keith in.
Keith immediately curls up to Lance. Now he wouldn't admit it, but he loves being the little spoon. He loves being held and cared for by his lover.
"Cute." Lance chuckles, he shovels popcorn into his mouth, sugar sticking to his fingers.
"Press play." Keith whines.
Lance rolls his eyes and grabs the remote with his sugary fingers.
One of the Harry Potter movies begins to play.
"I can't wait to see my daddy." Keith whispers.
"I thought I was your daddy." Lance pouts.
"Its the other way around." Keith mutters, eyes trained to the tv, body close to Lance's.
"Ugh. Just once?"
Keith giggles and looks up at Lance with the most innocent look in his eyes, but the most sultry and lusty voice he could manage. Even whining a little.
Lance's heart stops for a moment, his face turning dark red, ears too.
"Oh god." he whispers.
"Waaatcch the moooooovvvvvviiiiiieeeeee." Keith whines, he shifts and snorts.
"Is that the remote or are you happy to see me." Keith grins.
Lance literally shoves Keith out, cocoa puffs flying, he curls up to himself and watches the movie. Ignoring Keith's protests of being cold and needing cuddles.
"Cmon daddy."
Lance whines and curls in further to himself.
"Goodnight." he shouts, eyes closing.
Keith sighs and stomps to the bedroom. He crawls under the sheets, because Lance took every single blanket, and falls asleep.

Short and gay, just like me.

Klance OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now