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Anger and angst

Keith was fuming. So angry you could basically see steam coming off of him.
He and Lance had a fight.
He didn't remember what it was about, he had blacked out.

Trying to relax, he sparred with the druids from the simulations.
He fought up until the druid sliced his side.
"End simulation." he whimpers, hand held to his side. His bayard retracts from a sword, he clumsily makes his way to the med bay.
"Hello number- that looks bad. What happened?" Coran's eyebrows knit together.
"Uh druids." he mutters
"You'll be good in no time. Let me get the pod ready."
"Thanks Coran."
"No problemo." Coran smiles.
Keith gives a weak one in return.
His head hurt so much.
He misses Lance.
He strips out of his clothing and into the bodysuit for the pod. He clambers in and closes his eyes.
"Just a few vargas." Coran mutters.
Keith's breathing shallows.

No one was waiting for him when he fell. Legs wobbly, he falls out, hitting his face. He doesn't bother to change out of the tight body suit. He was hungry and didn't feel like taking the time to change.

Keith makes his way to the kitchen, people chatting happily.
Laughter. Lance. Keith freezes, heart racing. He takes a deep breath and continues walking.

"Keith hey- why are you in a cryopod suit?" Pidge quirks
"Got cut in the simulator. It was kinda deep." he shrugs, his mind was racing. He pads to the kitchen and grabs the stash of protein bars Shiro had.

He quickly eats a few of the small squares, grabs a bowl and fills it with green goo.
Keith sighs and stumbles to the table, he sits, eyes never once landing on Lance.

His throat closed, eyes burning.
He shovels the goo into his mouth, rushes out of the dining hall and back to the training room. He starts up the simulation again. Sparring and destroying the druids.

He was lying. He doesn't love you.
Keith snorts at that, lands a blow to the druid.
Why do you find this humorous?
"He never did." Keith says bitterly to himself.
"I'm a cheap fuck." He chuckles.
Level 6.

He breathes shakily, the advancing druid swinging its sword. He blocks it.
"Focus." he huffs out.
Lance runs through his mind.

He growls and lets out a frustrated yell.
"End simulation." he grumbles, walks out, changes and goes to red. He climbs into the cockpit and breathes for a moment.
"What do I do, Red." he sounded weak.
She purrs in return, her voice filling his head.
Talk to him silly. I cant tell you much, but Blue said Lance came to her. He feels like uhm the word he used...shit.
Keith chuckles.
"Yep." he sighs.
Talk to him. It's hurting you.
"I'm fine, Red. He'll come to me when he's ready. That is if he even loved me." Keith mumbles.
You're so stubborn,,
He loves you with all of his heart.
He never stopped.

Keith sighs heavily, when he exhales he sinks in the chair like a deflating balloon.
"I'm not talking to him." Keith crosses his arms.
fine. get out Keith.
Red growls, opening her mouth, dumping Keith out.
He screeches, falling hard onto his back.

Keith pushes out any emotions he has, any thoughts, and leaves Red's hangar. Leaving the angry robotic lion alone. He wanders to his room and gets dressed. He spots a pile of Lance's things and winces.

He grabs one of Lance's shirts, presses it to his nose and inhales.
Keith whimpers, his throat closing, eyes burning.
Don't cry. He doesn't love you, he never did. He's just a glass of spilt milk, nothing to cry over.
Keith shakily inhales again.

He felt like he was in hell. Trapped with all the things he misses. Trapped with the scent of Lance. He snaps out of it, wipes his tears and gathers Lance's things into a box.

Write him a note. Make it hateful.

Keith grabs the equivalent of paper and pen and begins writing. Frustrated as the words pour out as 'I love you, I'm sorry.'
He gets in a certain mind frame.

Anger consumes him. He writes out all of his insecurities.
Here's all your shit back.
One question, did you even love me?
I was just a cheap fuck don't try to hide it. I'm not stupid.

He puts the note in the box.
It wasn't exactly a good one, but what do you expect from Keith.
He carries it to Lance's room and sets it down outside of the door.

He hears a sob.
He freezes. He wanted to wrap his arms around Lance. Kiss him and hug him. Tell him how much he means. Instead, he simply takes the note out.

As he does the door opens.
"I guess it really is o-over." Lance mumbles, his eyes were red, lips swollen, snot running from his nose.
Keith shoves the note in his pocket.

Keith jumps at Red's voice.
He bites his lower lip.
He can't look Lance in the eyes. He lets out a sob of his own.
Hands clenched in a fist, hair in his face, sticking to wet skin.
When did he start crying.

Who said that?
His throat was raw.
Was that...him?

Keith throws his arms around Lance, pulling him out into the hallway. He falls backwards over the box, Lance landing on top of him. Lance sobs into Keith's shoulder his whole body shaking.

"I love you too, Keith." Lance mumbles.

Oooof this sucked like really bad im sorry.

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