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Vampire Keith and Angel Lance draft uwu. This will eventually be made into a story just like the prince Keith and peasant Lance and tattoo artist Lance and florist Keith. So here we go uwu

Angels are always depicted as pure and holy, but what if all of them weren't? They're pictured as these holy creatures with golden halos and beautiful white wings. What if they look just like you and me? Just like normal humans in order to blend in with society.

Lance McClain may look like an ordinary college student, but in reality, he is an angel. Sure, you can't see his wings, but I assure you, he has them. They're large, eloquent white wings. When he's trying to fit in with his classmates, they're two small simple tattoos on his shoulder blades.  

And then there's Keith Kogane, a vampire. Not one of those sparkly ones from Twilight. He just looks like a very sleep deprived human, perfect for a college student. Like the stereotype, he has those sharp canines. They're only out when he gets to the point of starving. His eyes give him away to the ones who know about the supernatural. His deep purple eyes a warning to anyone.

"I'm just saying 'Lura, there's absolutely no way that's gonna fit in your purse," Lance laughs, looking over at the female.

"It will if I want it too," She huffs, trying to shove a dog into her purse.

"That's not how it works," Lance laughs harder, clutching his stomach.

"Ugh...I guess you're right. We're going to be late for class," She sighs.

Allura Altea is another angel, she definitely looked like one. Her beautiful white hair, brilliant blue eyes. Her skin seemingly glowing, a perfect smile. The picture-perfect definition of an angel. 

"We could always skip, not as if it matters," Lance shrugs, readjusting the strap of his messenger bag. 

"We aren't skipping," Allura sighs again, standing up, allowing the stray dog to scamper away. 

"That's so lame."

"Sure it is, we can get coffee afterward."

"I'm not paying," Lance laughs

"Of course you aren't. Come on then, education awaits," Allura smiles, taking the lead. Her baby pink heels clicking along the concrete of the sidewalk. 

"Aye aye, Princess!" Lance chuckles, a lopsided grin on his face. 

To someone who didn't know the two, they looked as if they were a couple when indeed Allura was a lesbian. 

As soon as they walk into class, Lance crosses his arms over his chest. Someone was in his seat, he grimaces at their hair. A mullet.

"Do you see that?" Lance scoffs.

"See what?" Allura asks, turning her attention away from the blonde next to the guy.

"That guy," Lance's hip cocks to the side and he rests a hand on his hip.

"Uh huh. What about him?"

"He's in my seat," he huffs.

"And he's chatting up Romelle," Allura's eyebrows furrow.

"He has a mullet."


"He's disgusting," Lance marches over to the two, slamming his hands on the wooden surface of the table.

"Lance! Hello!" Romelle smiles.

"Hi Ro' not here to talk to you. Why're you in my seat?"

"I don't see your name on it. Besides, there's no assigned seating, dipwad."

"Uhm- Excuse me?" Lance scoffs, crossing his arms.

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