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Uhhh hairy boi werewolf Keith??? Just basically a monster au. Keith basically looks like uhhh fuck that one werewolf dude off of Monster Prom.

Hunk-Greek god Helios (god of the sun)

If I like this I might make an actual book but uhh all of them may be Greek gods.

Keith huffed, fur sticking up everywhere. He rolls his eyes and slips his black t-shirt on, leaving his dark fur to stick up.

He was meeting up with Shiro, Allura and some of their friends. Allura told him 'dress to impress Keith, you'll be meeting a god.'

He didn't know if she meant literally or metaphorically so he wore the usual.

Black shirt, black jeans, red flannel, and red high tops.
He grabs his keys to his bike and rushes out. Already running late.

When he got to the mall, he was 15 minutes late. He spots Allura and Shiro with 3 other people and rushes over quickly.

"Wow Keith, late meeting a god. Good job." Allura snickers.

"My fur wouldn't stay down!" Keith growls.

"Obviously." she grins.

"Oh shut up you stupid sex demon!"

Shiro snorts at his adoptive brother and pats a chair next to him.

"Oh! It's okay! Don't scold him!" Hunk smiles.

"You're too sweet." Pidge fake cries.

"Yeah man, smite the dude." Lance laughs.

"Okay, Allura, wanna introduce me them?"

"Oh! Right. Keith meet, Hunk, Pidge and Lance. Hunk is the sun god Helios, Lance is a siren and Pidge is a demon." Allura gestures to each person

"That gremlin is a demon?" he raises an eyebrow.

"I may be a gremlin but I'll fucking haunt your ass!"

"Oh sweetie, you already are." Keith laughs.

They spend the day being idiots, Lance terribly flirting with Keith.

"For a siren you sure do have a terrible voice." Keith sighs.

"You haven't heard me sing, dog boy!"

Keith sighs again and rolls his eyes.

"I doubt your voice is any good."

"Lance has a really nice singing voice actually." Shiro smiles.

"Thank you Shiro!"

"Shiro? Would this look good?" Allura tilts her head, holding up a set of lingerie.

"I-I uh um i-its g-good!" for a literal sex demon, things like that flustered the male.

"Hey dog breath, wanna go get lunch in the food court?" Lance nudges him.

"Uh, sure. Why not." Keith mutters, allowing the Siren to pull him to the food court.

Keith gets a steak from the 'great steak' place and Lance gets orange chicken, rice, and lo mein.
They take a seat farthest away from everyone.

"So when do I get yo hear you sing?"

"Oh man I don't wanna entice you~" Lance jokes.

"Doubt it'll happen dude. C'mon, just sing." Keith mutters before ripping into the practically raw steak.

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