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Keith hadn't gotten to go drinking for his big 21, they were in space, how could they have gone?

Now that Earth is rebuilding itself along with societies on New Altea and Daibazaal, there were plenty of places to drink within the galaxy. They were in good distance too, so Lance and the team had decided. They're taking Keith drinking.

So Shiro is helping Keith pick out an outfit. Keith wanted to just wear his Blades uniform and call it a day, but Shiro insisted he wear something else.

"I really don't understand why I have to wear something like this, Shiro." Keith sighs, looking at himself in the full body mirror within his room.

"Because you need to dress up good for once." Shiro laughs, smoothing and pinching parts of Keith's outfit.

"Dun' see a problem with my Blades uniform."

"You wear it all the time, Keith. That's what's wrong with it. Nobody sees you relaxed and in regular clothes."

"Ain't nothin' wrong with that." Keith mutters, running his own fingers down his body.

Shiro rolls his eyes, flicking Keith in the back of the head.

"Ow what the fuck." Keith pouts, looking at Shiro's reflection in the mirror.

He hadn't realized how much more livelier he looked. Shiro had it rough now, even retiring from piloting he had to teach as well as having a kid of his own.

"You look happier."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shiro purses his lips, gathering Keith's hair in his hands.

"I'unno. You've just looked stressed lately and now you look real happy." Keith shrugs.

"Having a kid does that to you I guess." Shiro sighs, skillfully braiding Keith's hair.

He had a daughter so he did this a lot. That and Keith needed to do something with his hair other than letting it hang. It was long, down to the center of his back down.

"That's why I'm never havin' kids."

"Uh huh...You say that until you settle down and get bored." Shiro laughs, chest rumbling with the sound.

It was nice to hear Shiro laughing again. After the war everyone was really sullen and barely smiled so it was a change.

"I dun' like kids, you know this."

"I've seen you with Bel', Keith. You love her."

"Yeah, maybe your kid, but one of my own? Pfft." Keith snickers, hissing at the feeling of his hair getting tugged into the hair tie.

"Sorry." Shiro laughs.

"Yeah whatever. You totally did it on purpose."

"Yeah, totally. Get your shoes on, I'll have to leave early. Curtis wants me to cook dinner with him and Bel'"

"So no drinking for you?" Keith raises an eyebrow, grabbing his boots from the floor.

"No drinking for me." Shiro confirms.

"I'll drink for ya." Keith smiles, takes a seat, and shoves his feet into his boots.

"Well don't get too drunk."

"No promises, Shiro. Plus, it's my second 21st." Keith grins, tying off his boots.

"So who's the designated driver?"

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