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Continuation of chapter 9.
Requested by SimpsonsTM

When Keith woke up he was angry.
He looked through Lance's Snapchat story to see the picture of him.

"LANCE!" He shouts, a large pout on his face.

"Huh? Wha- I'm awake!" Lance screams, jumping out of his skin.

"What's this?" Keith frowns, pointing to the picture of himself. His eyes shut, mouth slightly agape, face relaxed.

"That's you silly." Lance smiles sleepily.

Keith lets out a noise resembling a growl.

Lance phone buzzes, he grabs it and looks at the replies to his story. Laughing and smiling.


"People are calling you cute."

"'M not cute." Keith pouts, turning his face away.

"You're adorable!" Lance shouts, grabbing Keith's face and squishing it.

"Stop." Keith whines, swatting at Lance's hands.

Lance leans in and quickly kisses Keith, pulling away before he can kiss back.

Keith sulks even more, whining and pouting dramatically.

"Such a cutie~" Lance coos.

"I'm gonna stab your kneecaps." Keith huffs.


"Shut up."

"Make me!" Lance challenges.

Keith growls and pushes Lance flush against the couch, clambering on top of the male.

Lance chuckles and smirks. A soft huff of laughter, breath fanning over Keith's face.

Keith squeaks, losing his composure for a moment. Taking in Lance's flushed face. His freckles, his beautiful ocean blue eyes, his soft parted lips waiting to be claimed, his tousled hair.

"Speechless?" Lance grins, brilliant white teeth flashing.

Keith shakes his thoughts out of his head, taking a deep breath.
He lets out a small growl, pressing his lips forcefully against Lance's.

Lance smiles into the kiss, kiss one hand gripping Keith's slender waist, the other intertwined with Keith's leather gloved one.

Keith rolls his hips, parting his lips slightly, deepening the kiss.
He pulls away a few seconds later, lips hovering above Lance's.
His breath hot and wet against his lover's milky smooth skin.

"I love you." he whispers, heart pounding.

Lance begins to cry, pulling Keith into a hug. He buries his head in the crook of Keith's neck, sniffling and hiccuping.

"I didn't think you'd ever say it." Lance whispers. Drunk on the feeling. His heart drumming against his rib cage, toes and fingers numb, head swimming with those 3 words.

"I love you." Keith whispers again, pulling up from Lance just to lean down to his neck. He presses open mouth kisses along the flesh.

"I love you." he mutters with each kiss. Loving the way Lance squirms underneath him, the soft noises, the whispering of 'I love you too' the way his perfect love whispers his name.

"Keith, I love you. So god damn much. I love you." Lance sobs.

"I love you." Keith smiles, nipping and sucking small possessive love bites along Lance's long, smooth neck.

Lance arches into the touch. Keith's gloved hands trailing along his body. The soft hot kisses along his neck.

"My baby." Lance smiles. He was loving each and every second of this moment. Revelling in it. Remembering the curve of Keith's mouth each time he tells him he loves him. The feeling of the words on his skin.

"My blue." Keith whispers. Calling his lover by the color of his voice for the first time.

A bright lovely energetic blue. The color of his eyes. The color of the sky. His blue.

"K-Keith!" Lance begins crying again.

"Shh blue, don't cry. I wanna make you feel good. Can I do that? Can I please make love to you? Show you how much you mean to me? My blue. My baby blue." Keith whispers, voice soft, words enveloping Lance like a warm blanket.

"Please." Lance smiles. Voice just as soft.

Keith kisses away Lance's tears before capturing his lover's lips in a soft passionate kiss.

"I love you." the mutter against each others lips. Laughing softly at their unison.

Everything was slow. Like time was passing by very slowly. They took their time whispering sweet nothings. Telling each other how much they love one another.

Afterwards Lance wipes his tears, laughing softly.

"I'm such a crybaby."

"Yeah." Keith laughs.

"What does my blue look like?"

"Bright. Its bubbly, just like you. Energetic. Soft. Loud. It reminds me of the soft sky, but yet the deepest blues of the ocean fading into black. Its such a lovely color. It makes me happy. My blue. My beautiful beautiful blue."

Oof this kinda got synaesthesia added into it. Idk it seemed like a nice thing.

I'm not synaesthetic myself, but itd be really cool.

The other day, I told my friend that I think her voice would be associated with gold.
Idk she just reminds me of it.
Like a nice bright, but dusty gold.  Like the sun on a warm summers day.

She's such a sweetheart and shes bright and loving. Funny.

Wow that was fucking gay lmao.

Uhhh I swear I have a bf and love him lmao.

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