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Okay umm heres some drabble shit. Its gonna be short bc I've got no motivation. A song ficlet "she" by dodie.

Am I allowed to look at her like that?
Could it be wrong, when she's just so nice to look at?

Lance didn't know what compelled him to stare at Keith. Maybe it was his lips, plump and kissable. Or perhaps his eyes, blue-violet and vibrant. 

She smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach\

You would find her in a Polaroid picture
And she means everything to me

  Lance enjoyed the way he smelled, lemongrass. It was soft and clashed with his cold exterior. It was nice though. Keith looked like something out of those aesthetic Polaroid photos you'd find on Instagram or Tumblr.

I'd never tell
No, I'd never say a word
And oh, it aches
But it feels oddly good to hurt  

Lance would never say anything to anyone about his little obsession. He found Keith aesthetically pleasing, nothing more. He could appreciate a man and not like him. It did not mean he liked men.

She smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
You would find her in a Polaroid picture
And she means everything to me

Keith meant something to Lance, but he'd never admit it. Keith was something more than a friend, but nobody had to know that. He thought about what Keith would taste like. The way his lips looked, Lance bet that he used lipgloss. Plump and juicy like a peach, apple juice dripping from them.

(Oh, oh)
(Oh, oh)

Lance's thoughts were a jumbled mess. Keith had never caught his attention before, he was just some fighter pilot, why bother? He didn't want to think any more of Keith, but his mind was filled with thoughts of the broody male. 

  And I'll be okay
Admiring from afar
'Cause even when she's next to me
We could not be more far apart  

Lance would be fine with admiring Keith, he didn't want anything more from him. Even being next to Keith in Voltron made him feel so distant from the ravenette. He hated this feeling and he hated the fact that Keith haunted his thoughts all of the damn time.

  'Cause she tastes like birthday cake and storytime and fall
But to her
I taste of nothing at all  

Lance would give anything to lick that bit of chocolate frosting from Keith's lips, to kiss him and taste the cake that he had just eaten. Alas, Lance was nothing to Keith. He was nothing but a mere speck of dust in the team. He definitely was not on the other male's mind. He was not thought of like this, Keith didn't think about the way Lance tasted.

  'Cause she smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
You would find her in a Polaroid picture
And she means everything to me
Yes, she means everything to me
She means everything to me  

Keith meant everything to Lance. Keith was what made Lance have some motivation to keep going. Keith was so valuable in Lance's eyes, but his feelings would never be returned. How could they? Keith was in love with another. He didn't have time to think about the way Lance's lips would taste or how they would feel on his skin.

uhhh yeah,,, short as heck. um, school has drained me so much. writing has been a chore for me as of late. i feel as if i should take a break but i havent written anything in so long. i feel terrible not writing anything for you guys, but i feel even worse writing half assed shit. ive been struggling with identity,,, again. o h b o y m y f a v lol. umm anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter of langst uwu

Klance OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora