Chapter Five "Possibilities"

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            "Now that is much better," Freddie said as he entered the room, Charlotte on his heals with a large tray. "See, Margaret, I told you I would be returning! I asked our cook to bring us some refreshments to further our pleasure," he gestured to the grand tray that Charlotte set down on one of the tables, it was filled with fruit, cakes and tea.  "So, what are we talking about?"

            "Carptetbags," Percival answered straightforwardly, sneaking a little look in my direction.  Freddie turned to him immediately looking confused, only the small tart he was eating kept him from asking anything.

            "London, Freddie, we're talking about London," I smiled when Charlotte brought me a cup of tea.

            "No," he sighed, "I don't want to talk about London.  That's what Patience and Faith are discussing."  Freddie pulled another chair towards ours, "Come now, Percy, you can't be talking about London."

            "I can't?  But I have the most darling new dress . . . " Percival stood dramatically and held his hands against his torso as if he were holding a gown in front of him.  I did my best to hide my amusement as he twirled once in front of Freddie.

            "Very funny," my brother quipped.

            "We were discussing the sites to see in London," I added once I knew no laughter would cross my lips, "Mr. Stanhope said there are some very lovely places to see."

            "Oh, well he is right about that," Freddie scratched his chin for a moment and watched as Percival took his seat again, a playful smile on his face.  "How long will you be in town, Percy?"

            "About a month until my review," he said, "after that it depends when new orders come."

            Freddie looked at me for a moment, noticing that I was in a much more relaxed state than earlier, "I won't be in London until the hunting season is over.  Perhaps you'll be good enough to show Margaret around?"  I felt my face flush with warmth and looked down into my tea cup immediately.  "That way she'll be sure to see more than just social events and dress shoppes."

            "I suppose I could," Percival conceded nodding at Freddie before he turned back to me, "that would solve our carpetbag problem."  I could not help but laugh and a very improper snort escaped.

            For the next several days our home was buzzing with activity as we not only prepared to make way for London but we celebrated the Christmas holiday as well.  I admit I was not looking forward to the festivities much after Jonathon and Emily left, but with Patience's siblings here the house felt more alive than it had in some time.  Even Isabella warmed up to her Uncle Percival and Aunt Faith although she has yet to invite them to a tea party.

            It was Christmas evening and following supper we all retired to the parlor to relax.  Faith asked if she could play the pianoforte and Patience excitedly agreed, "It has been quite some time since we've had someone play!"  She took the seat beside her and set to turn the pages.  The music quickly filled the room and I enjoyed listening as I watched the snow fall from my seat in the picture window.

            "Do you think my sister would have a fit if I asked you to dance?"  The low whisper startled me as I didn't notice anyone near me.  "There is no one here besides family, I see no harm," Percival smiled.

            "I . . . I," I stammered as I looked about the room.  Patience was engrossed with the music  beside Faith and Freddie was sitting in his chair, just watching us, amused, brandy in hand.

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