Chapter Seventy-Four "What Storms Bring"

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            Soon I was descended upon by a variety of people.  Freddie came with the doctor and although I assured them both that I was fine, I was forced to be examined for my brother's peace of mind.  Dr. Crane found nothing physically wrong with me, but suggested that I rest, citing that I seemed exhausted in spirit.  As Freddie showed him out graciously, Patience came in and was fussing over me as if I was on my death bed.  Within minutes I found myself in my nightgown and planted firmly in my bed with pillows tucked behind me so I could sit up comfortably.  "Please, Patience," I sighed, "I swear to you that I am fine!  You can leave me be."

            "I should have known something was wrong," she said closing my window, "you've been looking peaked for awhile now . . . especially since Percival left."

            "It has nothing to do with that an honestly, I'm fine.  Shouldn't you be tending to the Nassars?"  I watched as she came to a stop, she looked as if the gears were turning in her head over what to do.  "They are waiting," I urged.

            "I'm sure they will understand," she started, waving her hand in the air dismissively.

            "If you're worried about my being alone, why not ask Leah to keep me company?" I suggested.

            "Yes, I can do that," she whispered to herself as she moved towards the hall, "I shall call on Leah."  I watched after her, Patience seemed to be in almost a daze as she closed my door. 

            I fell back against my pillows and sighed heavily.  It was apparent that no matter how well I felt, that I would be spending the rest of the day in bed.  I reached over to my nightstand and opened the drawer, I took out the familiar book and set it in my lap.  I looked it over and let my fingers trace along the design on the cover.  I had taken to looking at it almost nightly these past few weeks.  I knew what was on every page without even opening it.  I counted the twenty-something pages before letting it fall open.  I felt my heart pang longingly as I looked over the pressed violets.

            "Margaret?" Freddie's voice rang before he knocked and then proceeded to enter, "Is there anything I can get you?"

            "No," I sniffled tucking the journal under the blanket quickly, "just leave me be and take Patience with you, please."

            Freddie sat beside me and studied my face for a moment, "I will do as you wish, if you do one thing for me."

            "Anything!" I smiled sitting up.

            He pulled the blanket back and took my journal, "Stop mooning over this and read Percival's letters."  Freddie set the book on my desk and handed me the stack of correspondence, there was no smile or hint of  teasing in his voice.

            "But Freddie," I protested falling back again.

            "No," he interjected, "no buts.  He asked that you read then and you said you would.  You at least owe him that courtesy."

            I folded my arms across my chest, sulking like a child, "I don't understand why you dislike Isaac so and keep pushing me towards Percival."

            "The only thing I have against Isaac . . . well, the big thing I have against Isaac is that he's left you and hasn't sent word yet.  It's been how long?"  I went to argue but he quieted me before words could escape my lips.  "As for Percival, I've  known him for years, he's a good man . . . and he loves you . . . what else could I want for my baby sister?"

            "Happiness," I whispered as I touched the ribbon that tied the letters.

            "And I recall that you were happy with Percival long before you met Isaac."  He smiled smugly and patted my leg as he stood, "Don't fight me, Magpie.  You're going to be here in bed for the rest of the day, just read."  He did not wait for an answer, he just left the room.

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