Chapter Sixty-Two "Preparing for the Engagement Party"

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            After several days of spring showers Lady Edgehill was elated that it was dry and sunny for her party. Excuse me, our party. She's been correcting me for weeks now. June was practically upon us and that meant that the Season would be ending soon and the Ton returning to their country homes. I was ill at ease once the plans began to announce our engagement, not that I had any doubts regarding Isaac.  He was one thing I was absolutely sure of.  Finding the reason for the odd behavior and knowing what he risked to be here, I think that it all made me love him more. Love. Such a simple word.

            "Margaret?" Lady Edgehill gave a slight shake to my arm, "Did you hear a word I said?"

            "Of course," I nodded and resumed looking over the papers she had given me, "The final menu looks very good," I sighed.

            "This will be your first social occasion as an attached woman, Margaret, you best be sure of everything," she said making some notes in her book.

            "But you are hosting the party, Lady Edgehill, so is it not more important for you to be happy with everything?" I asked, taking note that Alice scurried past the parlor doors.

            "That is not the point!" her voice raised an octave.

            "You can't possibly be arguing over a party," Lord Edgehill said as he leaned against the doorjamb, taking a bite out of an apple, "It's a party."

            I tried to hide a snicker as Lady Edgehill glared at me, "That is not the point, Gideon, as a soon-to-be married woman of Society Margaret needs to know the finer points." The tone of her voice made me feel like I should be ashamed for not caring but when all was said and done, this would not be our life.

            "And if I care not for the finer points?" Isaac sauntered past his father.

            "You should, Thomas, after all you will inherit . . . " Lady Edgehill started, her tone as haughty as ever.

            "Yes, I know, you've been drilling it into me since I was . . . seven?" he asked as he kissed my cheek.

            "Sounds about right," his father agreed as he took another bite.

            "Does no one care about our status except me?" Lady Edgehill stood, she was clearly annoyed.

            "I'm afraid so," both Lord Edgehill and Isaac said in unison, causing me to let out a most unladylike snort.

            "Oh, I've had it with all of you," she threw her arms up in the air and left the room in a huff. I stopped laughing and pulled out my chair.

            "Where do you think you're going?" Isaac asked with his eyebrows raised as he sank to his knees beside me, taking my hands in his, "I only just got here."

            "But your mother . . . I should apologize," I commented.

            "No," Lord Edgehill sighed, "I should." He straightened his posture and adjusted his jacket, keeping the apple in his mouth.

            "Really, Father?" Isaac asked with exasperation, "She should have realized by now that she is the only one that is preoccupied with our status. We were perfectly happy before . . . "

            "Don't you think I know that, son?" he smiled sentimentally at us, "But still, I will soothe her frazzled wits. And it wouldn't hurt if you were a bit nicer, Thomas. We do have a bit of a surprise for you two," he winked at me as he left the parlor to find his wife.

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