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Trimesters complete...

Initiating Birth...

The beeping sound that suddenly rose in intensity when my eyes opened caused me to fully awaken and gasp for air. I struggled inside the thick watery warm membrane that sheltered me.

With my attempt to breathe, I swallowed some of the contents of the membrane. My constant thrashing made the membrane break just in time for me to reach the bloody mucus that was floating above me. I pulled the mucus down and an appendage opened showing some brightness that was different from the darkness inside this cavern. The membrane that ruptured now became a pool of thick and clear substance that still kept my whole body in its watery territory. I used this as an advantage to swim up and extend my hand upwards.

This was a different feeling. It was colder above and it made the feeling of the drying mucus on my skin feel sticky. I hoisted myself up and finally took my first breath through harsh coughs. I anchored my elbows on the soil and then pulled myself up. I was covered with mucus.

I stared up above the skies through branches that belonged to my parent. Through those separated appendages  I got the glimpse of different animals in all shapes and sizes floating and flying. My ears gathered the various sounds that could have never reached my hearing below the ground. The scent of the mucus of the membrane that covered me mixed with the fresh fragrance of my surroundings. Slow beeping occurred inside my mind and my eyes continued with zooming in and out with every new thing coming across my eyes.

My eyes then assessed the object that created me. It was tall. It was thick. It had a bright neon color. I continued to crawl out from the hole and felt the cord that was attached to my umbilicus get heavier. I crawled around and then pulled the cord out of the hole and in the process, I watched as I peel something off from the cavern's wall because it was attached to my cord. It was flat and covered with red.

"Ecgtheow," my parent stated. I instantly gazed up to it and listened. "I am your Birth Tree. I am Ecgtheow."

"Ec...Ecgtho..." I attempted to say.

The rough roots of my Birth Tree moved and one of them wrapped itself around my cord. I watched as the root embraced the cord tightly and it became even tighter until the longest part was severed and only left a short portion of it on my umbilicus.

"Your name is Aecha," my birth tree gently told me. Once the roots withdrew and went back to their places, I rose to my feet and further assessed my surroundings.

Curiosity filled me as I tried to walk. My balance was unsteady but I was able to manage it as my feet touch the pink things that came falling from my parent tree. As I continued to trudge, I noticed that there were two long lines of walls that were as tall as my Birth Tree. My eyes zoomed at the only possible way out of here and I got out meeting more Birth Trees which were shorter compared to my Birth Tree. I found similar figures crawling out from their own caverns and they were more scandalous than I thought. One of them was having a hard time climbing out so I hauled him out.

The figure shouted loudly and rolled on the floor like he was experiencing something that should not be experienced at all. Figures who were dressed in white came rushing to aid him and one of them smiled at me.

"Hello, you are a well-behaved newborn aren't you?" he asked me and began to wipe the fluids off of my body. He was gentle and shorter than me and as I observed him more, numbers in which I do not comprehend were occurring in my vision.

"Where's your birth-"

"Ecgtheow gave birth!" someone announced in a panicked way.

From the sound of my parent's name, I turned around to see who was shouting. A man came out from where I was been and seemed unhealthily pale.

"What?" the first person who talked to me questioned. "Where's the newborn?"

"I don't know Ashyb! I didn't even know that it was bearing a child! It was supposed to be impotent right?"

The person named Ashyb had his previous kind face erased and was replaced with alarm. "This is not good. If Ecgtheow gave birth then that would mean we have another invasion upon us. Do not let this information out. It will cause panic. Search for the newborn. He is around here somewhere," he ordered.

Seeing that nothing amused me anymore, I left the panicking men and wandered. I got out from the Birth Tree area and was stopped by another person wearing a similar clothing.

"They didn't take care of you? Poor thing, come here. Let's get you cleaned up," he said and then grabbed my arm gently. "Where's the caretaker of your tree? He's really irresponsible for making you wander off alone."

The person assisted me inside a squared tub and I watched as many others were being submerged inside the individualized tubs.

"What's the name of your Birth Tree?" he asked.

I have forgotten how to pronounce it but I did try to reply.

"Eggtho..." I answered. The person stopped with his movements and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Ahh, it's nothing," he brushed it off. "I was hoping that you'll be qualified as a Paragon. You look really charismatic," he complemented. "But you are born from an Artisan kind of Parent Tree. Eggtho is of that kind," he told me.

He misunderstood.

The person who was panicking earlier came inside the bath area and then announced the disappearance of my parent's child.

Oh, that was me.

"Take precaution. Ecgtheow's newborn is considered a high threat. He is powerful and skilled even for a newborn. Don't take him lightly," he warned.

I was harmful?

The one bathing me hurried to clean me up. He then assisted me out of the tub and then wrapped a white fluffy object around my shoulders. I have noticed that none of them were taller than me. Even the men before were shorter.

"Let's get you dressed. I heard Ecgtheow's child is initially a ruthless murderer. He isn't aware of what he's doing because of his obliviousness as a newborn as evidenced by the previous children of the tree so it would be better if we secure you in a safe place."

I should learn how to pronounce Ecgtheow in order to lessen their burden but I always seem to forget how to say it.

I shall let them know later. 

"Come on," he urged. "You are certainly big for an Artisan's child," he commented. "Are you sure you're Eggtho's?" He chuckled.

"Mmm..." was my only reply.


A/N: It will be awhile before I can update again. I need to plan the plot but I feel like I'll have fun with this. 

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