61: #GTFO of EARTH (Part 1)

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The end was close and I pray to Kaisen that this time it will an end worth reminiscing for the rest of our lives.

After hearing Coco-ssu's tale I realized that not all Gods aim for creation. Each God was born differently and designed in a specific way to balance the universe. Though some may dream of creating life much like Coco-ssu, they were born in such a way that opposed what their hearts' were reaching for.

From the very start, he already opposed the direction of the river's current and dodged the claws of the predators that persistently tried to sway him off from his will. He left fragments of his heart on his trail and bled profusely from the tearing reality. He steeled himself in the midst of distrust and betrayal and now faced his past that finally came back to supply him unending guilt from the results of his actions.

He was a God and He was a God that instead of embracing the purpose of His birth and the abilities that made Him perfect, He chose to be flawed and embrace His imperfections because His heart saw various forms of beauty under a cracked roof.

I rose from the floor and saluted to Coco-ssu by hitting my chest with my fist. I cannot bear to see him sink in the same hole of shame that caused him to be thrown away from the Land of Eli. Though it may seem to be insensitive of him to move on after all those deaths, impaling himself in the sands of remorse and preventing himself from progressing wouldn't do anyone good. He must make up for his crimes and show that there was still compassion even in death.

"Please Coco-ssu, fight with us!" I asked of him.  "I understand how it feels to fear your own power and the fear to hurt those that we love however; doing nothing is just the same as committing crimes that shed blood."

Thomas-ssu chuckled and Coco-ssu's shoulders jolted from surprise.  I felt Joe tug my pants and he slowly hid himself behind me.

"I'm still scared of him Aecha!" he whispered at me with grimace on his face. "Let's be extra extra careful!"

"I'm bringing a machinegun with me just in case," Ki grumbled.

"As long as he doesn't stab me while I'm sleeping..." Won yawned before immediately falling limp against Hoets' side.

Imsothy raised his hand for his turn and blurted out a random statement. "Want to buy some bombs?"

"You don't despise me? You're not even afraid?" Coco-ssu asked and was completely bewildered from our support.

I just hope that our support won't upset him like what happened the last time he discovered the Gods of Eli accepted him.

Samael-ssu stood up and dusted his pants before answering. "What you did in the past was really bat shit cray cray but you know? There are many criminals out there who can do pretty much the same and they aren't controlled by inner Gods."

The others nodded their heads in agreement and Thomas-ssu was in full support of his other half by staying by his side every second and cradling him in his arms.

"For the first time in my entire life I agree with Samael," Raphael-ssu acknowledged. "I don't like agreeing with that filthy scum but I can't have you turn your back on us now. I'm not particularly fond of your killing spree tendencies however, we need you and I would trust you over any angel I know," he assured and gave Coco-ssu a stern smile of approval.

" The chicken approves!" Caleb-ssu cheered and presented a thumbs up at him.

Lucian-ssu turned his head to the side as if he heard something behind him and then shot his focus at Coco-ssu.

"Corlos, a voice in my head wants to talk to you," Lucian-ssu announced painting confusion on everyone's faces.

I really worry for his mental health.

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