63: #GTFO of Earth (Part 3)

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I was really in awe on the amount of children Ark had. Their numbers never cease to astonish me and their adorable trudges continued to pull my lips into a goofy beam.

Mister Wall left in a hurry a while ago to visit Luka and his family. I was contacting him to ask him if I could follow him in Luka's apartment however; he was not responding to any of my calls. I attempted to contact Luka but he wouldn't answer my calls either and when Ark answered and invited me to come with him with the kids for a stroll in the mall, I instantly regained ebullience.

Ark had five six years olds and all of them were boys. They were going to turn six in a few days and Mister Wall and I were going to buy presents for them. This was going to be a great opportunity to observe their likes and dislikes.

"Are you alright there Keetan?" Ark asked me with a kind smile.

"Yes, Snow and Kai are really well-behaved children," I praised the two-year old twin girls I was carrying in my arms.

Snow had ivory colored hair and Kai had auburn ones. Since it was cold in the mall, Kai needed to be wrapped in numerous layers of clothing because she was irritable in cold places.

Truthfully, my body did not know whether to sweat or to release chills because the twins were giving off opposing temperatures however; having sweet children like them pulling on my hair and then pointing at random things that interest them were enough compensation.

"Un!" Snow pointed at the balloon being held by another child.

"Yes, that's a balloon," I told her.

"It's ball!" she said.

"It's bawoon!" Kai butted in.

The rest of Ark's children were all boys and they were two pairs of twins. The three-year old twins were Nova and Light and the four year olds were Cyon and Lark. The eight kids formed two lines behind Ark while Cyon was being held by Ark himself and the little Siberian husky named Azure obediently followed behind the line.

Cypher, Rayne and Kalmin held on to their younger siblings while Exavior held on to Cerby.

"Papa! Why am I getting paired up with Exavior? I'm a big brother too! Let me hold on to Cyon!" Cerby protested.

Ark merely spared Cerby a sweet smile before saying:

"You know the rules Cerby: the irresponsible must be held by the responsible."

"But I am responsible!" the Luka look-alike protested.

"No you're not," Cypher opposed and pushed up his glasses. I questioned Ark why Cypher had such a blurry vision at a young age and he laughed it out and answered me with the most intriguing statement.

"Cypher wears glasses because he has the clearest vision in the entire world and he has no capability to control it yet."

I was, of course, puzzled by it but when Cypher greeted me when I came to visit the next time and I took him to an ice cream parlor, my bewilderment turned into astonishment. Cypher was riding my shoulders and there was an old man wearing a hat in front of us who was waiting in line. Cypher reached out to him and poked him before saying:

"Mister, you have something weird inside your head."

I was really apologetic about Cypher's rude behavior when it shouldn't be because Cypher was warning the old man about his brain aneurysm.

The owner of the ice cream parlor overheard our conversation that day and the next day when we went back with the other kids; he told us that the old man we were talking to died because his aneurysm ruptured.

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