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Can you hear the beats of my heart pounding loudly and strongly beneath my chiseled chest? Can you hear its declaration of exhilaration for its gratification of living despite the concealed depths of the dangers ahead? Can you accuse me of being a God who was all for damnation when I did nothing related to detestation?

The God of Death does not exist within me as long as I do not acknowledge its existence. If I continue to turn my back to the purpose that I was born with then maybe, just maybe, it will be buried by the dust of time.

"I win this time Corlos!" Chaos announced out loud when he had successfully pushed me off of the raft and into the cold water causing the sea creatures to panic into a raging swim.

How can he declare victory when we were only scrimmaging for two hours?

I charged an insurmountable energy within my body and bulleted out of the water. Chaos readied his claws bearing dark flames and grinned at my floating form in the air.

"Win at which part?" I teased and cracked my knuckles

We've been sparring for many nights now and because of my sudden closeness to Chaos, I was considering of staying in planet Belraria for good. It was thrilling to be here and although Imjir might be leisurely taking his time wandering about just until he made his first move of trying to steal the Light Stone, I was confident that Kogen and Rupture will immediately notice anything underhanded.

Chaos and I fought in the air. I didn't use my swords because I was being extra cautious of being out-of-control during our brawls. Never did the thought of killing my best friend poke my mind and just to be logical; Chaos was already having a hard time keeping up with me even when he already had his claws on so what was the point of having blades to aid me?

I was being merciful with him but I wouldn't admit that out loud. He will get hurt if he knew I was going easy on him and a damaged pride was more agonizing than a broken limb.

The Ayken creature made crisscross motions with his claws in attempt to claw my face and torso. I smoothly dodged his lethal movements that could possibly give me burns for the whole month —if not for my fast healing capabilities— and read his next moves.

If the crisscross didn't work out; he'll charge ahead with his hurricane pierce which never worked against me because I would emit fire that would suck the winds from his body.

Will he do it again?

Chaos toothily grinned at me before flapping his strong wings forward withdrawing him away from his place and creating lacerating winds towards me. The strong zephyrs blinded me of where Chaos was and he continued to release bladed winds into my direction.

The winds gave me scratches here and there and made my eyes a bit teary. They tickled a bit.

One thing I noticed with Chaos was that he was more of an offensive type of fighter. I always tire him out first before making my first move of attack because in that way, he won't be effective in defense.

Once the source of the winds stopped its production, I dismissed the winds with one sway of my hand only to be tackled by Chaos' hurricane drill. I easily grasped his neck as he ground me into the ocean floor and then launched back into the surface with him struggling with the strangling hands on his neck.

I emitted an electric current and my opponent growled into his demise.

He was lasting pretty well if you asked me.

I watched Chaos' pained expression with a grin and heard him muster the courage to throw his pride to surrender.

"I-I-I-I l-lo-lo-lose!" he stuttered through his convulsions.

Paragon (6th Book of DT) YaoiWhere stories live. Discover now