62: #GTFO of Earth (Part 2)

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I didn't know what drug Lucifer was sniffing or if he was puffing out some cannabis after every fuck session he was having with Keetan but one thing was for sure: He was away with the fairies.

No offense to Thomas but his kind lost their marbles centuries ago and I just didn't have time to join their club fan-boying about how the aliens will save us from the supposed end of the world.

"He looked pretty fucking serious about it kid," Cerberus pointed out. "He showed us visions coming from that Aecha kid too."

Aliens did not exist. I wasn't raised to be gullible and I sure as hell won't place my bets on sheer bullshit when it came to my kids.

"Don't tell me you're buying what he's selling. He's probably just practicing again for another cult he's forming to capture more human souls to keep the fire in hell burning," I grumbled still remembering the vision on how the sextuplet's birthday will go. We were preparing for that big day and seeing how Lucifer was off his nuts, I'll just tell Ark not to invite him.

"Bold of you to accuse Lucifer of being off his nuts when your usual routine is running amok with shit-filled diapers sticking to your face," my wolf snorted causing me to growl at him.

"That was Cerby's shitty prank!" I snarled at him.

"That's mah boy," he snorted. "I'm clapping with my paws, you can't hear it but I am, see?" he told me and brought out his paws in front of my face to make me see the struggle he was facing. Maybe Caleb wouldn't mind if I exchange wolf spirits with him. I can't handle the stress with mine anymore.

I heard Lucifer gasp sharply behind me and I found him on his ass staring grimly at Elim who was staring back blankly at him with a piece of paper lying down on the ground.

"What the hell are you doing Satan?" I snapped at him and pointed the knife I was holding at him. "Don't do any funny business with my kid."

Lucifer cautiously rose up and staggered a bit before looking between me and my kid. "I have to go," he told me. "I won't let Keetan perish again because of me. I only came here out of concern for your family Luka. It was a pleasure to be a part of it. Thank you for everything," he murmured with guilt etched to his face before disappearing on us.

The fuck?

"I thought you were staying for dinner you sick fuck?!" I yelled out even though the person I was talking to was thousands of feet under us already.

I placed the knife on the sink and wiped my onion-scented hands on the pink apron I was wearing before sauntering towards the silent Eli and lifting him up from the ground.

"Meh, screw him right Elim? More turkey for us," I chuckled and kissed him on the forehead. I bent down to pick up the piece of paper that was on the ground and went to the living room.

I gently placed Elim on the sofa and handed him the paper that had some writing on it. It was written on a foreign language that I obviously would never understand and the snoring dick-brained wolf wouldn't be able to read it for me for now.

I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips in concern. The way Lucifer acted got to me now but I can't just hand Elim over to him. He was going to exorcise my kid for crying out loud and what will happen then? He wasn't sure if Elim was purely the angel in disguise as a kid or if he was just possessed but either way— exorcism would either kill Elim or turn him into a soulless vessel.

"I'm not sure Luka. Exorcising him would go against His will which would highly cost Elim's life."

Fuck that.

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