17: Half Gone

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The smell of rot, the sinister feel of decay, the sound of a long standing agony from the unidentified sources of screams and the unending darkness which swallowed us whole robbed me of my clear mind and gave me the standards of what unsightly seemed to be.

I heard Hyuk Min's shivering breaths beside me and oddly the mere sound comforted the bubbling anxiety starting within me because there was nothing in sight but a world of darkness without a ray of light.

"Sci-Scion...Scion!" Hyuk Min panicked. My hand immediately reached beside me and Hyuk Min's searching hands found my arm.

"Hyuk Min, we'll get out of here alright? I shall find a way," I assured him. I cannot have my friend panicking and shivering in fear and I shall not let such circumstance like this make me end up like Hyuk Min.

Hyuk Min's heavy breaths hastened and he clenched my arm tightly. "It's still there Scion..." he whispered fearfully.

My ticker sped up and I tried to stay alert to determine where the claw was. A tech-puff in a form of a pooch puff belonging to Hyuk Min appeared which brought us light. Hyuk Min released panicked breaths and an ear-splitting scream while my eyes widened in horror and in shock when the both of us realized that the claw was still grabbing Hyuk Min by his torso.

In a split of a second Hyuk Min was dragged away from my side leaving me no chance to play a tag of war with the claw again. I was immediately on my feet and I equipped my twin swords as I chased the tech-puff that was obediently following Hyuk Min's dragged body.

"Scion help me! Help me!" Hyuk Min wailed.

"Hyuk Min! Hyuk Min!" I called out in desperation. Necron must be planning to turn him into a cronie.

The land I was stepping on was sticky that in each step I had to exert more strength to pull my legs to proceed in my chase. The light was getting smaller with the distance being made by the claw. The solid floor started to become soft and unstable and gooey arms latched out to grab my legs. With little hesitation I used my swords to cut the arms trying to stop me and I used a different tactic in chasing Hyuk Min.

I bent slightly and collected much energy to my lower limbs before leaping up. I continued with my constant leaps while focusing on the little light guiding me of where to go. Hyuk Min's fading screams were still there which assured me that he was still Hyuk Min and not another cronie.

The claw hauled Hyuk Min inside a rectangular tunnel with gooey purple substances staining the pitch black walls. I did one last powerful leap and landed exactly at the entrance and ran on the far more solid floor.

"I'm here Hyuk Min! I'm here!" I shouted.

"Am I still alive?" Hyuk Min cried.

"Yes you are!" I replied back.

The chase ended in an unknown area within this structure but my guess was that this was a huge place . I equipped my own tech-puff to help light up the room and ran towards Hyuk Min who was trying to get the claw off of him. The claw was against a wall so Hyuk Min was raised higher from the ground.

"Get me out of here Scion!" Hyuk Min begged.

I could hear my own heavy breaths from running so much and from the anxiety building up. I have kept on denying what I can vaguely notice from my periphery but the fact that there was something commodious with us here made me restless.

If the length of the arm of the claw withdrew back here then that would mean...

I released beams of light from my eyes and saw the body connected to that arm.

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