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I didn't like this feeling. I wasn't fond of this feeling at all. I was taught by Guardian that if I wanted to say something, I should just spit it out and not beat around the bush. I took that lesson to the heart and that was probably the first lesson that he shared with me that I actually injected into my life and I did it flawlessly.

I spat on his ugly face.

I didn't get why he was disgruntled with me after that. I was only applying what I learned from him. Guardian can be so confusing.

"What's the matter Corlos? You look like you're going to destroy the next person you see," Kogen commented and with his own words he realized that he needed to get out of my view or else he will be the target of my destruction in which he foretold with his own comment.

Kogen slowly backed down from in front of me and ambled beside me.

It was a pity that we were not allowed to travel by air. Kogen told me that Esgard (the God of this world) was very particular about other Gods using their supremacy above all other beings. He had three particular rules for other Gods who were merely visitors in His world and these were: No teleportation, No Flying, and No Destruction.

Obviously, I already violated the destruction part hence I should make the most out of my visit here because Esgard must be planning to ban me sooner or later.

"Someone is following us," I grumbled.

Kogen simpered and released a breath of amusement. "It might be just someone from your growing number of admirers."

I huffed and took Zeke close to my chest in a tight and vexed embrace. I haven't thought of a name for Zeke yet and this paranoid feeling I was getting was interrupting my creative mind.

"Relax Corlos; we don't have to attack anyone unless they attack us first. Let us be the wise ones," Kogen advised and started to guide me into deep breathing exercises with one of his hands placed behind me and then the other one on my chest.

Guardian never taught me deep breathing exercises. Usually, when I go into my Godly tantrums of lightning and storm (which was literal by the way) he would just ignore my behavior and tell me:

"After you're done emitting thunderstorms, you know where to find me."

I do know where to find him but most of the times Guardian will change his hiding spot.

I watched Kogen and tried to cooperate with him but his way of calming me just through breathing was simply making my temper worse. The air that I keep on inhaling inside my Godly lungs was only causing a wildfire.

After a few more breaths Kogen stopped and smiled. "There, better?" he asked.

I placed my hand on his chest with a soft hum in which Kogen took as a positive indication that indeed, I have calmed down.

Or did I?

"Oh Gods!"

I roughly kicked Kogen's shin causing him to lose his balance with a curse under his breath for the Higher Gods above us. I twirled around with a brand new raging desire to lash out on the next person who'll try to anger me.

"Come at me! Show yourselves you cowards! I want to see you bleed!" I screamed with the intent of a bloody murder.

One of my twin swords materialized in my hand with its length promising death to all those it'll reach and with a slimness declaring not weakness but a short patience to immediately execute a quick death.

Paragon (6th Book of DT) YaoiWhere stories live. Discover now