59: COCO FINALE (Part 1)

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How did love turn me the way I was?

How was animosity born from an innocent intimacy?

The only thing I did was love him yet loving him became my greatest undoing.

My heart still drank on the succulence of my love for him but that yearning only flourished my disrelish for the universe. My love for him watered the vengeful flowers that sprouted right into my core bearing the petals of mischief seeing not an ally in sight but a foe in every flight. My love for him opened up the door to my many cruelties and to the many more nights of distrust and loneliness that continuously supplied the water for my vengeance.

Was love supposed to be this way?

Was love supposed to be this destructive?

Why did I end up being alone?

My eyes watched the plummeting asteroid heading straight for Planet Eli. Just from the view outside, the light governing the planet was vibrant that a luminous green radiated to space. There was no sun around therefore the planet's light and heat was being sustained by a powerful being that replaced the life-sustaining star.

"Corlos, you will regret doing this," Kogen warned me from behind. "This is not what Chaos would have wanted for you."

Hearing Chaos's name pushed another needle against my already punctured heart. I willed myself to remain silent and smoothened down any wrinkle of rancor within me.

I wanted to prove him wrong. It was insensitive of him to reprimand me about my lover's desires when he wasn't the one who spent his days discussing hopes and dreams with him.

He wasn't the one who listened to his rants about his life, rants about his family, and rants about unaccomplished goals. He wasn't the one who saw the reason for his smiles, the cause of his scowls, and the tickle for his laughter. He did not experience how wonderful it was to be loved by him and to be cradled in those arms in quiet nights while being whispered of words that soothed the sore heart.

I was a God yet Chaos was able to bring me down to my knees and embrace him.

I was a God yet I had countless of praises for him that would put any priest to question his own faith.

I was a God yet to me he was as Godly as I.

"Do you want to know what Chaos really wanted Kogen?" I asked him and felt my throat tighten from strangling down my voice.

"He wanted to live."

He wanted to return to his home not in a form of a corpse but in a form of someone proud of his peregrinates with much discoveries of the universe.

He wanted to take me home with him and show me the world that he first saw upon opening his eyes.

He wanted life and I wanted to be a part of that.

It was ironic.

When I saw him skewered into the spear this was universe telling me that "You're a part of his life now. He's dead."

"Thank you for saving our planet. We owe you a great deal of gratitude," a woman spoke as she approached my side.

Cold gas continued to swell down from my hands because of the recent contact with the extraterrestrial object in which I froze. I faced the approaching Goddess and nodded in acknowledgement and respect.

Her blonde hair was cut high up to her nape with two slightly long braids of hair hanging in front of her face. Her lightly tanned skin glowed with the blood of a Goddess running through her and she was dressed in modesty with the white loose robe covering her neck down past her feet where the robe pooled down.

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