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Why won't you show yourself?

What kind of God lets another God massacre His creations and let said God get away with it? The creatures created by Yvara slaughtered the Toscans by drowning them and Esgard did something about it but why wasn't He doing anything about this situation now? Why wasn't He doing anything about me?

Notice me Esgard!

I sounded like I was desperate for attention and sadly I was. I wasn't denying anything. This was a life and death situation and many have already died by my hands and I was giddy about it.

Can't He see how good my mood was? Didn't He realize how atrocious and ominous this situation was? If I was merrily humming and waltzing then that meant more deaths were coming.

Heck I was growing scared of my own insanity and I can't tell anyone about it!


"Corlos, the shifting has begun," Chaos came up to me after minutes of waiting for Esgard to show up.

I turned around and found everyone frozen up except for Rupture, Chaos, Guta and I. The old priest was trembling like a leaf and as much as I wanted to slice him up into little pieces or broil him alive, I'll wring out information from him first and then I'll sauté him.

"You knew the crazies will come, how?" I asked Guta without looking at him. Without his staff, he was powerless. These holy servants were given great power by Esgard and with that power arrogance started to grow within their hearts.

The priest managed to compose himself back into a state of fragile valor before answering to my question.

"What makes you think I'll tell you?" Guta questioned with defiance.

A simper spread across my lips and I turned to him fully now. Rupture sauntered his way behind Guta in case the old priest will do something that will cost my life and Chaos slowly started to stand in front of me in protection to avoid paying that price.

It wasn't Guta that they should be worried about.

"And what makes you think that you won't?" I challenged him back. "Your planet is dying and still you display your conceitedness and self-interest to those who only want to help."

Guta stepped forward with a sneer on his face and Rupture held him back with two hands.

"Lies! This planet is far from dying. The days of Judgment have finally come and Esgard will ascend to reward the virtuous and punish the bent!"

Ah this was one of those "End of the World" shit that Gods stir up to make their creations worship them more. I heard of this from Guardian back in our planet and this was one of the tricks that Fuxborh taught the newborn Gods in case things go into an unfavorable path and they needed a fresh start in a blank paper.

"I see... Well you're not looking any straight to me so have you prepared your apology yet? " I asked him.

Guta relaxed himself in his delusional stance and closed his eyes. "My God is with me and I am with Him. The crazed ones are only the start of His divine providence and I am merely a shepherd guiding the message across the world."

I felt Chaos slightly bend to whisper something in my ear causing a crack of humor in my lips.

"We have a cuckoo in the nest..."

This guy was far from being cuckoo. He was a mix of having a massive breakdown and a worst case of mumbo jumbo bird shit vodoo non compos mentis fanatic.

What was that?

I seriously didn't know but I was witnessing it firsthand.

The first sign of such disease was having an obsessive and possessive behavior known as the Ebu Stage. You'll make up lies to destroy those which threaten you and have the tendency to whip someone to your amusement. The second stage was the Guta stage. Sadistic and spiritual insanity govern the mind of the ill and they have a high risk of promoting cannibalism. Further studies about the current stages and future stages have yet to be conducted because the first subject sadly died and I was at the edge of slaughtering the second test subject if not stopped.

Paragon (6th Book of DT) YaoiWhere stories live. Discover now