68: #GTFO of Earth (Part 8)

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Unceasing explosions sounded in various locations of the city and Team Ske regrouped on top of a building where Luscev-ssu and I were staying on.

"Let's scatter; we'll cover more areas that way. Make sure to turn on your communicator and report the situation in each explosion site," Stugox instructed us.

All of us were covered in soot but our suits weren't that much damaged due to its durability. The only person who didn't even look the slightest exposed in this warfare was Luscev-ssu despite the fact that he transformed into a very misunderstood creature earlier.

"I don't have any fancy communicators like you extraterrestrials therefore I'll just give a good holler if I deem the situation of in need of assistance," Luscev-ssu drawled before another explosion occurred.

He removed his shirt revealing a finely sculpted chest and abdomen before a copper-shade feather wing sprouted out from Luscev-ssu's back followed by a raven bat-wing that stretched at the opposite direction. I noticed a purple gem secured in his navel.

"That is so awesome!" Imsothy cheered before running behind Luscev-ssu and grabbing onto his bat-wing. "Can I have one of these?"

Luscev-ssu's eyes squinted at him and Joe yanked Imsothy away. Before I could ask Luscev-ssu if he needed any companion, he fluttered his wings down and soared up to the skies where the moon can be seen. He lingered a bit and took a dive to head for the first explosion caused by the catastrophes.

I really would like to accompany him but I didn't want to be a burden. Luscev-ssu already disliked me as his reactions dictated but I was truly grateful that despite his enmity towards me, he still wasted his time for someone like me.

He was amazing-ssu!

"Hoets, there's a nuclear bomb headed towards the city," Stugox said as he pressed on the buttons of his arm and a hologram appeared in front of us which showed a massive bomb flying towards the city.

"On it," Hoets responded and busied himself with his own control panel.

"They're going to nuke the city?" Hyuk Min questioned sadly.

"They sent the military before but they immediately got taken down by the angels," Ki explained.

"So are they just going to nuke every city disregarding the people who haven't even evacuated yet?" Won questioned with a sleepy yet annoyed expression.

It was very iniquitous of them. There were people who hadn't left because they were frightened of even moving. Was this really how they treated their own race?

"Unlikely, this city is the center of the attack therefore they would want to eradicate the majority of their enemies," Stugox replied.

"Don't worry; they won't be able to nuke every city if they're dead," Imsothy assured causing all of us to look at him with disbelief with myself being more on the horrified side.

Did Barachiel really die?

Imsothy shrugged his shoulders and returned our gazes. "What? No humans no nukes—OW!" he yelped when Ki whacked his head.

"Are you really a Paragon?!" Ki screeched at him.

"Aecha, why don't you follow Luscev? We'll go on pairs. I'll have Hoets operate our ship," Stugox suggested and I smiled at him gratefully.

Now I have reason to give if ever Luscev-ssu asked why I was following him!

"Please be safe everyone!" I chirped.

"Yeah, tell that to yourself. We're not the ones who almost died five times in a row and this count excludes the ones you never reported to us," Ki huffed before turning away.

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