5: Homeboys

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"Welcome to Team Ske's pod room!"

I have accomplished the three levels of the entrance examination with much damage to my physical body especially to my legs. I have been aided by Joeheonmae, Stugox, Ki and the other chasers when the advanced beginners ambushed me in the quagmire. After departing from the bog, reaching the finish line wasn't as difficult since I was ahead of all of them but I made sure that I gave Joeheonmae, Stugox, and Ki a big hug of appreciation in which Ki was too bashful to accept.

"He-hey, I get it! You're welcome!" Ki timidly responded while gently peeling me off from his shorter physique.

They have reached the finish line ten minutes later with the other instructors checking my legs. Stugox and another man who had electric blue hair and a bigger built of muscles were dragging the unconscious advanced beginners by their legs. Gilmos and Saek arrived after them and they gave the advance beginners an unwelcoming gaze.

"I guess we will be suggesting five students from the advance beginner level for expulsion and approval of one enrollee for the rookie level to the president," Gilmos chuckled.

Expulsion? Wasn't there any other way to give them discipline?

"They might feel sad," I stated. I did not want them to feel cheerless. They still deserve a massage even when they were inequitable.

Gilmos grunted and crossed his arms. "Oh they will feel 'sad' Scion. Their actions should not be tolerated. It is for the benefit of all students."

"Low-lives are what they are," Saek scoffed.

I stared at the unconscious forms of the advanced beginners and then walked over to them. I bent on my knees and gave the most talkative among them a pat on his mud-covered chest.

"Do not feel sad. I will recommend you to Bish, my employer at the open market. In that way your sadness will be diverted somewhere else. "

Bish was a really generous and great employer. He was also very talented for he became the president of the school without me knowing. They won't have to live jobless.

"He is so nice that it's becoming so annoying..." I heard Saek murmur.

All of the advanced beginners and all of the rookies were gathered in front of the main building of the campus with me standing in front of all of them together with Gilmos, Saek, Trux, Typhi and Dryp. Saek gave the closing remarks in a very friendly manner which was very different from how he acted most of the times.

"I thank everyone who participated in this activity and congratulate you all for a job well done. Although there were students who decided to take it upon themselves the judgment of Scion's merit in becoming a Paragon, there are still some of you who are honest and just and those are and will always be the characteristics of a true Paragon," Saek spoke.

Gilmost stepped up and smiled at Joeheonmae's row where Hyuk Min and the others were standing in as well. "I can't thank the honorable students enough who helped Scion during the ambush." Gilmos gently pushed me forward while he continued speaking.

"As we now go our separate ways I would like to leave the care of Scion to your group Stugox. Take care of him as if the faith of the world is placed on your hands," Gilmos told Stugox who was now staring at him in acceptance of the role.

Gilmos then faced the entire crowd with much power and charisma in his posture and presence alone. "Kaisen be with you!" he hollered.

"Kaisen is here!" they all replied as they hit the middle of their chest with their fist.

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