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"It is indeed a great offer but I do not think you can do anything that will aid us."

Was I unworthy of their trust?

"Thank you for your presence. It is a privilege to be of your acquaintance Mister Row Boat."

I did not want to just merely lend my presence. I wanted to save them and to free them from an unjustifiable end because I deem that they were good people who deserved more from what they were offered with.

"I said go you moron...LEAVE."

I did not want to abandon them...

"I appreciate you..."

I treasured them despite the short time I spent with them.


"Do you want to reprogram your memories?"

Despite this pain, I need these memories not to torment myself but to have more purpose to keep going.

"Are you okay?

I was hurting.

"Oh the planet is rotating the other way!"

I could have rescued them from their bitter demise but they have surrendered to the injustice given to them by their creator who was also their destroyer. For so many years of wandering in this planet with an unsure fate they stopped dreaming for a better life for their vision of a better future was shaken from the crisis.

If only I arrived sooner I could have convinced them that they had a chance to live in happiness that was almost free from the taboos that controlled their lives. If only I was given more time to set their hearts unto reaching of what seemed to be an unreachable dream then I could have drawn a picture inside their minds of the worlds beyond their world.

Though I couldn't find the legs of Tom-Ak-Ta, there were still other planets in which they can reside in while I find ways to restore planet Aecha's freedom.

I couldn't find the panacea for my own world's problem. I will come back to my planet empty-handed when all of them sacrificed their lives for me just to get here. I didn't deserve to return but then I still had a firm belief that there was still something more waiting for me.

I can feel it. There was still some light. I just have to find it.

Was I being too positive? I did not see anything wrong with it for it was natural. I was born to believe for the things that can make the impossible possible and I will not stop now.

"Aecha, the planet is turning the other way!" Hyuk Min exclaimed and shook my shoulder in an agitated yet excited manner.

I was snapped out of my trance and then twirled around on my seat to look at the window of the ship. The other members of team Ske were looking at the planet in amazement and indeed, it was rotating to the other way which was never a pattern for a planet.

"Wah who are you?!" Joe screamed out of fright which caught our attention. We looked at the source of his horror and discovered an unearthly man with silver hair and ethereal pale skin with a mere leaf on his crotch.

He reminded me of Thomas for indeed Thomas looked almost exactly like him.

"Salutem! I am Tom. I am a professional baby-maker, fruit bearer, fortune-teller, bystander, day sleeper, afternoon sleeper, night sleeper, and dawn sleeper. Would you like a penisot?" he asked and bowed at us.

Paragon (6th Book of DT) YaoiWhere stories live. Discover now