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A/N: I really am grateful for those who are still reading this. After Paragon I don't know if I'm still going to write or not but writing has become a big part in my life. You guys became a family to me despite our differences.

The taboos was created to break uneeded boundaries which continue to hurt people. Many people who read the books see the books as just perverted romances but I'm grateful that many of you connect to the characters in a personal level.

If Lucian was real he would be grateful to each and everyone of you who laughed with him, cried with him, and understood him when many couldn't and just thought of him as someone who's spoiled and selfish. Some bitch even wished for him to be 'sexually' taught a lesson to cut the purity bullshit off which is one of the reasons why I don't want to be surrounded by other wattpaders except for those I trust with my characters.

So Thank you...


That unsullied plea was still vague in my memory.

"No monsieur, it hurts! Stop it! Get away from me! I want my oniisan! I want my oniisan!"

Those undefiled salty tears of my childhood filled a bucket of a monster's iniquitous desires.

"Hush little Prince. You don't want to upset the King and Queen do you? Hush my sweet little flower..."

Just the echo of his voice numbed me from my existence.

I wanted him to stop.

I just wanted everything to stop.

I needed someone to pull me up from the despair that kept on tearing me day by day.

My hand continued to reach out for someone or anyone to grab it.

But no one did.

I continued to sink into the depths of my desolation until such day that I stopped looking for someone. I gave up.

They say a mother knew what was best for her children's future and that all her intents were for the betterment of her offspring. They say a father's responsibility was to shield his children from mischief and misuse in order to prevent them from being molded from such constituents.

A mother's instinct when it came to the safety of her children was unparalleled and just.

A father should make sacrifices in the place of his children until every piece of him was given to complete their ladder to success.

But I beg to differ because my parents were none of those.

My mother knew what was best for her and not for me. My father put me before his shield and made me receive the agonizing arrows of my tormentor. My mother set aside her instincts so that my mentor can sully me in order to achieve a purity made of deception and egotism. My father forced me to make an unnecessary sacrifice in which the result I will carry on until my grave.

My parents taught me nothing about living but everything about dying. They made me live through pain everyday and broke my hopes and dreams as a child.

I just wanted to see the world but they tell me that the world didn't want to see me.

I just wanted to lend my hand to those in need but they say that my hand was not fit for the needy.

They desired for me to achieve an unsullied life however, the process to obtain such achievement was through being tarnished over and over again. I once believed that I was the purest person in the world because of the training that I have undergone.

Paragon (6th Book of DT) YaoiWhere stories live. Discover now