7: Separated

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"Hyuk Min, check the map," Stugox ordered.

The tunnel that we forbiddingly entered did not lead downstairs. It continued into a straight pathway with Imsothy lighting our trail with the beams coming out from his eyes. The tunnel had abandoned solo pressure boards used for transportation.

Extraterrestrials were not allowed to own pressure boards on planet Aecha because they could use that as a medium to execute plans of terrorism. If they wanted to make their transportation easier, they must pay for a ride on pressure ships that were also heavily guarded by Paragons in case of a hostage incidence. Mocksians had a long history of an imbalance relationship with our planet. They always cause turmoil here and there and the only reason why Hesein — our divine leader— hadn't cut off friendly ties yet was because of our debt of gratitude for their aid from the last Necron invasion one hundred years ago. But seeing that they have taken advantage of such gratitude even I did not think that these ties should continue on.

It could have been a complete darkness if not for Imsothy's light. I was already skeptical of my decision of coming here but so far we have not yet encountered any enemies. Hyuk Min brought out a metallic thin stick and clicked its tip. A hologram was produced by the pen and showed a complete structure of the city with eight moving and blinking dots indicating our location. Hyuk Min began to operate the image with his hand while Stugox, Ki, and he talked. 

I didn't know if anyone noticed but Joe was trembling. He looked very much distressed and he kept on drinking water while breathing heavily.

Without warning him, I placed my hand on his shoulder which made him scream so loud that it echoed throughout the tunnel. I heard his limb transform and Hoets pulled me aside knowing that Joe was going to shoot me or anyone who was behind him.

Joe swayed his machine-gun left to right and sustained sounds of gunshots filled our ears. We all waited for his panic to dissipate and once the bullets finally ended, it divulged his heavy breathing.

Loud laughter broke out from the six men and Hyuk Min engulfed Joe in a hug while comforting him in a teasing way.

"Aw is our Joe scared again? Did Scion scare you? Poor Joe, poor Joe!" Hyuk Min comforted dramatically while petting Joe's head.

"Ahh, stop it! I was just startled that's all!" Joe protested and shook Hyuk Min off of him before storming away leaving the six men in a hush snickering.

I went after Joe and followed his sulking form. He was really walking fast that the light being produced by Imsothy was gradually fading.

"Joe, I apologize for startling you, I just notice your tremble so I was going to ask if you were okay," I told him.

 I did not know that he was actually going to use a machine gun for a mere pat on the back. I was impressed by the amount of preparation he had. 

Joe slowed down and abruptly stopped before releasing a breath of sigh. He turned around and I found him slowly smiling at me with the dimples in his cheeks deepening.

"Ah man, I'm sorry for being dramatic and thanks for being concerned," he replied.

"You can hold my hand until you feel better," I offered and extended my gloved hand to him.

Joe snickered and scratched the back of his neck. "Damn it, I can't refuse when you're so nice about it. Usually, the other guys do the same but I know that they are still teasing me behind my back," he said and connected our hands. "Thanks Scion, it's nice to have someone sane in the group."

I was flattered by Joe's comment and grinned back at him. "You are most welcome."

We waited for the six to get to our spot. Hyuk Min was discussing the areas which they have already explored and the shops that they have already looted while Joe and I swung our connected hands.

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