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"In order for you to speak with the God of this planet, you must be able to catch his attention. You can either be a hero who will do the most honorable or be a malefactor and perform the most ignoble."

I visited Ten Ten who controlled all the tentacles sprouting out in the physical world and asked her about how I can meet Esgard and also told her of the possibility of Imjir being here. She told me that Imjir can take various forms but in order to do that, he had to kill the original vessel in order to claim that appearance as his.

This would mean that all this time, Imjir could be lurking around me hiding behind the identity of someone I know or someone who I won't ever be suspicious of.

"Be cautious Lord Corlos, though Imjir possesses no power greater than yours, he can manipulate your environment to get all favor on his side. He is someone that you should not downgrade despite of his actions being of no value to the universe. His jealousy fuels his mind for creative solutions that can lead to destructive results."

All these mess and all these deaths and just because Imjir was jelly. I suppose he just can't help being jelly because he was the God of it and so he was more like me. Did he feel any remorse for his actions? I doubt that. If he did then Light Stones wouldn't be stolen from their respective worlds.

It still wasn't clear to me on how I'll get to talk to Esgard considering that I already did something valorous and something sacrilegious and Esgard never summoned me into his chambers. I did forget to ask Ten Ten about the escape of sea water into the spiritual world which was dim-witted of me.

If you ever need proof that Gods were also flawed creations of the universe, I'll be your boy.

I shifted back into the spiritual world soaked from diving into the ocean and my intuition warned me of something flying above. My eyes shot up to the lightening skies of the morning and saw Kogen being held into the claws of a four-winged creature with caliginous colored feathers. Its front legs had silver-colored claws while his back legs had hoofs. Its tail was made up of a sapphire fire.

"Hey! Kogen! What are you doing up there?!" I called out. Was he playing dead? The bird was heading opposite to where the temple was. "Kogen!" I yelled and chased the shadow of the bird to prevent myself from having a strained neck.

When I realized that Kogen wasn't asking the creature for a lift and was either dead or unconscious, I flew up to save him with some rocks that I picked up.

I stood in the way of the creature and threw middle-sized rocks at it successfully gaining its attention earning a sharp and piercing scream that was gently drifted by the winds of the desert. The bird dropped Kogen and used its free claws to tear my chest open and it was successful with that.

"Damn it, my nipple!" I growled before giving it a kick to its head.

Obviously my kick wasn't hard enough considering how lively the creature still was and the continuous ripping of flesh that it was doing to my whole body. I yanked its beak and spun us around in midair before throwing it far from me. My eyes remained focused on the creature which just regained its balance in the air while I descended down to see how Kogen was managing.

He was still unconscious but he was breathing. His shredded clothes told me that he dealt with these birds. Some of his wounds were still fresh but were closing very slowly which was abnormal for a God to have that sluggish healing process because mine was already nearly healed.

"Kogen wake up!" I yelled directly at his ear as I shook him not too kindly. The bird was preparing to swoop down on us and I still can't get my balls to toughen up and kill it.

Paragon (6th Book of DT) YaoiWhere stories live. Discover now