26: Traitor

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"Good morning Ki," I greeted the orange-haired cook of the team. Everyone else was still asleep besides the two of us and Ki was busy preparing our breakfast.

"Yeah-" Ki shortly replied before yawning.

I stood behind him and watched him cook his special noodles with black sauce. The smell was salty, sweet and savory. "I hope you don't mind something spicy in the morning. This is what's left in our storage ever since we left," Ki told me. "Then again if you don't want it then suit yourself; more food for me," he added and scoffed.

Same old Ki.

He might always sound like he was trying to be rude but his activities everyday were always focused on feeding us, making sure that we were tidied up and that we were in our best behavior.

"I do not mind at all! It smells really great," I replied. "I appreciate you for always waking up so early to cook for us," I added. "Thank you very much Ki. We wouldn't have great mornings without you."

Though it was already known in our group that Ki always did the chores, no one did bother to show him gratitude for everything he does.

Ki abruptly stopped stirring in the pot before continuing in a gradual motion. "Idiot! I'm n-not doing this for you. I wake up early because I'm hungry so I thought why not include you idiots in my breakfast preparation since none of you knows how to cook. It would be a great bother if one of you causes a nuclear explosion in the kitchen..." he reasoned out in a fast and defensive manner accompanied by a vigorous stirring.

I didn't bother to comment further on Ki's statement because that would only aggravate him so I offered to set the table while he performed his finishing touches on the food. One by one the rest of Team Ske started to wake up and Stugox was the first one to sit on the chair to wait for food.

Hoets did some morning stretches while Joe fell on the sofa in attempt to sleep the remaining drowsiness he was feeling. Hyuk Min -being a morning person- hopped towards Joe and knelt on the floor beside him.

"Joeheonmaeee~" he whispered. "Wake up...Joeheonmaeee~"

"Uhh..." the latter grunted.

"Ki...food..." Stugox groaned.

"You'll have to wait. I won't adjust for you," Ki grunted.

Imsothy came out of the bathroom and sat with Stugox and Ki placed the pot of noodles in the middle of the table. "Is Won still asleep?" Ki asked in an annoyed tone. "Honestly..." he grumbled and wiped his hands on the apron he was wearing. "Everyone, get on the table we're going to eat," he announced before heading to Won's sleeping pod.

Imsothy narrowed his eyes at Ki's order and he looked at me with confusion. "He says get on the table," Imsothy whispered to me.

The aechean rose from his seat and took off his bowl from the table to replace it with his arse. He then tapped Stugox who groggily followed and then jerked me with his finger to join them.

Hyuk Min was successful in making Joe sit on the sofa and when he saw what we were doing, he pulled Joe from his sitting position and sat the oblivious aechean on the table with us with his eyes still closed. Hoets came and released an amused short laugh and excitedly joined us.

Ki would not be pleased with this but then everyone didn't question Imsothy's command. But I must try to convince them to prevent causing stress to our cook.

"Should we really be bothering Ki with this? I do not think that he would be pleased with this..."

Hyuk Min giggled beside me and patted my back. "Oh don't worry, Ki's used to this!"

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