8: Shut In

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"Scion, last one," Won said and paralyzed another lobster that was coming right at us with its hopping motions.

We were venturing further inside of the floor and exploring rooms. I had fortunately dodged triggered traps and we also disabled some of them and became more careful with our movements. By the looks of it, this place was once a huge office and manufacturer of big robots base on the electronic documents which were non-functional and robotic parts which were scattered all over the floor. There were fading labels of "Destruction Destruction" all over the place and Hyuk Min proved the existence of such shop to Ki.

I gripped on the handle of the huge sword and tensed my muscles on my shoulders and arms. Once the lobster took another hop with its pincer pointed at my face, I swung my sword and shut my eyes while doing so. The lobster was sliced in half and could not even let out a dying wail. Its fresh corpse dropped down on the floor and I was left with that same disgusted feeling in my ticker with my eyes watering a bit.

Won did circling motions with his staff and green glitters exploded on top of me. My body began to heal with a few of my lacerations closing.

"Let's get moving," Won ushered and moved towards the locked security door.

He started pressing on the buttons beside the door and a harsh sound erupted from it. "We need another keycard for this, let's find it."

My eyes locked on the dead lobster in front of me and Won must have noticed my petrified form because he also stopped moving and stood next to me.

"It was either you or him," Won told me. I looked up to him and he was also staring at the lobster. "You have to choose who you fight for Scion. You can't be on both sides because you won't form any allies that way. You have to give up one thing for another because sacrifice is one thing that a Paragon must embrace for the rest of his life. We sacrifice for the greatest good not just for the greatest glory."

Won's words started to register in my mind however; I still couldn't swallow the bitter taste of truth and reality. Why must all conflicts be settled by killing and hurting one another? The guilt I felt was just far too immense.

"You know Hoets was once like you," Won told me causing me to look at him with interest.

"He might be the biggest narcissist out there but he is the softest guy you'll ever meet. He couldn't make his first kill because he felt really scared of taking a life. One time when he was partnered up with Hyuk Min, this same lobster had Hyuk Min on its reach. Hoets had to make a decision. It was either get Hyuk Min killed or save his friend. Obviously, he weighed the lives in front of him. He manned up."

Won patted my back and turned to the next hallway to the right in hopes of finding the keycard and I was left with the greatest decision of my life. If Won was the one in danger, I would also have no other choice but to choose whose life I'll save. This was the time when I realized that my belief was very wrong. I bent on my knees, letting my sword return to my crate and I whispered to the dead lobster.

"Forgive me for taking your life, I wish you a great afterlife beside Kaisen," I murmured.

I stood up from my place and chased after Won who was already clearing the pathway of lobster strikers. He was already doing well on his own just from using his crossbow. Once he saw me, he shifted back to his staff and nodded at me expectantly. If I was to pick a side now, I will choose Won's and those lobsters that spotted us were now my foes.

We cleared the pathway and entered a small room with a computer and metal cabinets which stored Electronic Documents (ED). Won sat on the chair and flicked a switch on the control desk. A hologram appeared above the desk and the both of us looked at the hologram. So far this was the only computer that functioned. We tried to operate the previous computers but they were busted and just didn't work at all no matter how unflawed they look.

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