23: Suspicions

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"The city of Fracos as we now know has been corrupted by the creature that has been terrorizing our planet every one hundred years. Though we have lost a city that has been known for its advancements in transportation, the battle against Necron has not yet been lost. Planet Aecha has endured so many invasions and so many mishaps that have converted its citizens into becoming warriors of their own way. With our loving creator who has been guiding us with His holy light and who has bestowed upon us bodies which are distinct and stark, we as acheans must stand robust and impregnable not only with our physical strength but also with our mental, spiritual, and emotional condition. There is hope my fellow aecheans and that hope should not falter in our minds and hearts because as we continue to hope we build our faiths to become stronger. That faith is our key to open the gates to another successful liberation of planet Aecha," Hesein finished.

We were watching a live speech of our divine leader in our room. After the unsuccessful mission in Fracos, Seven had found out about our departure and told Gilmos who then ordered him to pick us up immediately. But even without Seven fetching us, we had no other choice but to leave the fallen city because Paragon reinforcements came and started to evacuate everyone left.

"Here we have Gilmos Dekmuth who is the newly positioned President of the Paragons with reporter drone 6969," the reporter drone that covered the speech of Hesein spoke. The scene changed from the assembly hall of the Sky Sanctuary to the office of the Paragon president with Gilmos' face facing the camera.

"President Gilmos what do you think of the whole situation and is there still a chance for planet Aecha to retaliate against this monster?"

Gilmos was sitting straight on his chair behind the table as he looked directly at the camera filming him.

"There is and that chance is someone who is going to be formidable against Necron. This invasion is different from the others. For the first time in history, the child of Ecgtheow had perished because of the incompetence of the previous president. But fate has given us with another chance to correct things that have been wronged by the previous administrations. For the past centuries the children of Ecgtheow have been sacrificed with or without willingness. We have set aside their feelings, their thoughts, their freedom and their future for the sake of planet Aecha yet their deaths have not been given justice. They offer their lives for a short-lived independence and we as fellow Aecheans fail to find alternative solutions which can cause permanent freedom. This disgusting practice of feeding Ecgtheow's children to Necron shall stop now because we have someone who chooses to avoid the path of becoming a nosh. He sees things differently and has opened our eyes to the real problem that needs real solutions," Gilmos replied.

"And who is this person who you speak of President Gilmos? Planet Aecha needs to know the person who will become the next hero!"

Gilmos leaned back against his chair while staring at the camera with a small smile. "Unfortunately, we still cannot reveal his true identity due to safety concerns. There are people who want him dead and I will do everything in my power to keep him safe as he thinks of nothing but to save everyone around him, He can be reckless at times but I assure you...he is as selfless and does not have a single malicious ascian cube on him," Gilmos replied letting out a full blown smile on his lips which shaken me up from my depressed mood.

Gilmos did not seem to be upset about our actions earlier. I did not think he will scold me later for my reckless intrusion of a mission that was not given to us.

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