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Belraria was like a damaged boat. When Esgard lost his regnant, the boat became frangible and His powerlessness punctured holes in every part of the wood that became the passageway of water. Gradually, the boat was continuously flooded with water until it finally sank at the deepest part of the ocean in which no hand can reach out to help and only desertion will be the only option for survival.

The planet drowned again and perhaps it was bound to happen.

It was like a teabag being doused in water for the second use but only this time, there was no God to tug it up.

"Last one!" Chaos called up to me and threw over the net filled with wriggling sea worms on the small wooden boat I was on.

These worms will serve as food for the surviving toscans and it will be the only food they'll have until the day that Esgard returns to rule the planet he created.

The people of Belraria were starting to lose their faith on Him and in most days I would hear some of them say "God is dead" and "There is no hope for us now".

For a creator, it must be painful for Esgard to feel the growing distrust from His creations. The priestesses and priests that we jailed before were spared but they were no used to us now because even they lost their love for Esgard.

"If Esgard really loves us and if He really is there then, He wouldn't have let you live..."

To the priests and priestesses, my mere presence was strong proof that Esgard failed them as their Lord and Savior. If my departure from the planet would restore the faith of these Holy Servants then I would leave however seeing that they were incapable of restraining their own pride, I didn't trust them with the rest of the toscans.

"six...ten...seventeen," I counted the nets. "These will last for two days," I told Chaos who lifted himself up from the water.

"There are still lots of those worms underneath the sand but are you sure that it's okay for us to take these?" Chaos asked me.

"I already spoke with the main ruler of Yvaria remember? These worms are nothing but a nuisance to them so we're also doing them a favor," I assured Chaos.

"These worms may be just pests to them but to us these are the only creatures keeping us away from starving to death," Chaos scoffed and sat down.

"That's true," I murmured and gazed up at the tenebrous skies.

The moon was hiding behind the clouds but the water beneath us provided us more than enough light to gather food. Chaos and I would always hunt for these worms during nighttime because they were crepuscular and though the first two weeks were tough, we were getting used to this kind of life. It was simple. It was modest. I was contented.

I didn't feel any less of a God but rather, I became more than what I could have expected.

Chaos pulled my hand and slipped his arm behind my hip pulling me down to sit on his lap.

"Let's rest before going back," Chaos whispered and leaned his head on the side of my neck.

"That's the plan..." I replied and placed my hands on his shoulders.

Both of us enjoyed the comfortable silence we had and listened to the occasional splashes of water going on around made by the yvarians. I relaxed in Chaos's hold and shut my eyes and abruptly, my body tensed up and I grabbed hold to Chaos in a tight embrace that startled him.

"What's wrong?" he asked me.

I hugged Chaos tighter and tears began to spill out of my eyes.

What was wrong with me? What was this feeling? Why was my heart getting so heavy all of a sudden? It was particularly moaning for Chaos but I didn't know for what reason. It was painful.

Paragon (6th Book of DT) YaoiWhere stories live. Discover now