12: Laechea

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"What you did is a break to the Aechean law, you do know that Scion?"

My head was still fuzzy and my whole body was weakened from being bitten by the ursidae that fled to the depths of the resurrecting woodland. After seeing those visions of Tom-Ak-Ta and Ecgtheow and being brought back to planet Aecha, Gilmos told me that Team Ske told them about me coming down to Zhekson alone.

I looked at the faces of my team and found the guilt etched onto their faces. They did not need to feel remorse about lying. I was grateful that they have obeyed what I told them or else we would all get in trouble.

Saek questioned the robots that were waiting for me and was curious as to why I had brought them here out in the woods. It came to my realization that even Gilmos' team did not have any intellect about these automates.

But what about Bish?

We headed back at the campus and Team Ske was told to return to their room while Gilmos ordered me to come with them in the meeting room located within the main building where the higher ups usually conduct conferences.

A wide-stretched rounded table sat at the middle of the room and Dryp pressed buttons beside the double glass doors which automatically caused small circular sections of the floor to float around the table and serve as chairs. Bright lights around the floating flat circles indicated the energy in them. A metallic door began to layer down just beside the glass doors until they were completely shut and the tense atmosphere finally rose in a thick yet unforeseen exterior.

Gilmos told me to sit on one of the floating circles and I did so with the others following suit. Saek and Gilmos were particularly giving me scolding eyes while Typhi assessed my bite wound. I could not see the eyes of Dryp since they were completely covered with his bangs and Trux didn't seem to care that much as he placed his feet on the table and crossed his arms over his chest. They were all wearing their green camouflage suits that were well armored in the most vital points.

"Yes, I know that. I am sorry for entering despite Saek's warning," I replied Gilmos' inquiry.

"Are you sure that you weren't dragged by the others to go there? That Hoets guy was sobbing like he committed a serious crime," Saek asked me with doubt in his tone.

"No, they have nothing to do with this. I am at fault," I lied.

I cannot let Team Ske get expelled just because of me. They were doing fine in that place without me and only now that everything became messed up when I joined in the expedition.

"How is he?" Gilmos asked Typhi.

"The bite is definitely bad. It's like the ursidae punctured gills on his shoulder. Infection won't occur since Aecha's body can fight off the disease brought about by the Necron but his healing will definitely slow down. The lacerations in his arms also told me that they were either been attempted to be chopped off or he was in the process of reattaching those chopped off limbs. He has a depression on his chest telling me that he was hit by something really powerful."

"What happened there Aecha and what were those robots?" Gilmos asked. Typhi had worn elastic gloves and rubbed cream on my wounds starting with the ursidae bite.

The first few statements were a lie. I told them that I heard those robots contacting me from Zhekson. I sneaked out of the campus and went down there to check out the transmissions being sent and then rhinos came which caused the floor to crumble beneath me. I ended up falling in the hidden floor of the city which held the project abandoned by the Paragons. The project was called the "Annihilator Project" which prime purpose was to serve the child of Ecgtheow during the Necron invasion and annihilate the child of Ecgtheow once the Necron was driven away. At that part of my statements, Saek and the rest of them reacted negatively.

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